Chocolate Wheels: You Can Have Your Car and Eat It Too
Two of the most desirable things in the world are chocolate and cars. Who doesn’t enjoy a tasty chocolate candy bar, chocolate chip cookie, or brownie from time to time? As far as cars, we love them and the freedom, convenience, and capabilities that they offer. A Japanese company managed to combine these two things by creating a mold that enables you to create your own chocolate wheels at home.
Chocolate BBS F1 racing wheels

The chocolate wheels are a creation of 4Design, a Japanese company that fuses traditional Japanese crafts with automotive elements, as reported by Autoblog. Previously, 4Design created a chair with piping components similar to the ones used for car exhausts and headers. The aim of 4Design is to show unfamiliar aspects of the industrial manufacturing process in fun and interesting ways.
For the chocolate wheel mold, 4Design didn’t mess around. The company went top-of-the-line with high-performance BBS F1 racing wheels. The chocolate wheels are a collaboration between 4Design, BBS Japan, and Fujita, a manufacturer in Takaoka. The collaboration is fitting. Many of the huge bonshō temple bells in Japan were built in the region using a similar mold process as the chocolate wheels. Also, BBS Japan makes aluminum wheels in Takaoka.
The design process for the chocolate wheel molds took four months to complete. 4Desgn created two molds. One is for the BBS racing wheel, and the other is for a “sofa cushion” box with a BBS logo. The company also plans on offering hands-on sessions for people to create chocolate wheels at the Factory Art Museum in Takaoka.
How to make chocolate wheels

The molds for the chocolate wheels are intricate and very beautiful. They feature shot-blasted pieces and machined aluminum. Measuring around four inches high and three square inches, the mold pieces join together much like a 3D puzzle. After being assembled, the molds will have an empty space at the center. Pour the molten chocolate into the mold, let it harden, pull the pieces apart, and enjoy a delicious chocolate wheel. Are you hungry yet? Are you ready to make your very own chocolate wheels?
Ideas for car-themed food, snacks, and treats
Beyond the chocolate car wheels, there are many possibilities for car-themed food, snacks, and treats. Make a cheese stick car. Take a stick of cheese and place four crackers on the side for the wheels. You can do the same thing, but with carrot/tomato slices, banana/strawberry slices, or hot dog/pickle slices.
Create a monster truck for breakfast, with carved-out pieces of bread for the body and two sunny-side-up eggs for the wheels. How about a racecar sandwich with a baguette for the car body and cucumber and tomato slices for the wheels? If you want to teach your kids about traffic laws, you can create a Rice Crispie bar stoplight. Put a Rice Crispie bar on a stick, and then for the lights, use red, yellow, and green M&Ms. There are also many different possibilities for car-themed cakes.
Embrace your love and cars and sweets, and do something fun with your kids. Create chocolate wheels or any other car-themed treat!