Will Electric Cars Sales Really Get a Boost After the Lockdown?

Many analysts hold predictions that electric car sales will suffer due effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Instead, consumers see the positive benefits to the environment with less emissions from traditionally fueled vehicles. These rapid and visible change to their environment is leading them to reconsider more eco-conscious choices when it comes to vehicle purchases. A new study coming from the UK shows that buyers are more inclined to own an electric car than ever before.
Lack of emissions is restoring the ecosystem
Cities all around the U.S are reporting cleaner air quality. Denver, the Mile High City, has reported their skyline can now be seen from miles away instead of clouded by layers of thick smog previously. The city is seeing cleaner air and significantly reduced pollutants due to fewer cars on the roads.
Due to the lack of vehicles and drivers on the roads, we are seeing numerous cases of wildlife returning to where they originated. In Venice, Italy, swans, and dolphins are returning to the waters that they previously inhabited. Without the pollution of traditionally fueled vehicles, the environment can heal itself and go back to its original shape.
Stories like these are encouraging many people to consider investing in an eco-friendly vehicle. The idea for an electric vehicle first appeared in the late 1890s. Still, it didn’t become a substantial market segment until 2011 when manufacturers took note of the rising importance to their consumers, and financial production incentives became available. Cities around the globe have continued to consider the environmental dangers that emissions have.
Will Electric Cars Sales Really Get a Boost After the Lockdown?
One main effect of the returning wildlife is a rise in EV sales. Due to the various environmental benefits surrounding the electric cars, there is a good chance sales will skyrocket after the COVID-19 quarantine is lifted. According to Venson, 45% of motorists are now reassessing their EV options. Of that 45%, 19% said their next company car or private purchase would be an EV, with the remaining 26% confirming they intend to become an EV driver in the next 5 years.

“In recent years we have seen the cost of electric vehicles fall, battery efficiency increase and the network of both public and private charging points grow significantly. All of these steps have boosted consumer confidence in an EV future, however, whilst ownership is increasing, we still have a long way to go. Having said that, fleet managers looking to introduce fully-electric fleets could find employees more open to the idea now they have seen the global benefits it could bring to the environment.”
Alison Bell, marketing director at Venson
Electric cars are likely to increase in popularity after COVID-19 has passed. Consider your electric car options. It’s worth taking a look at your options, budget, and distance you regularly drive to know which one is right for you.