Why the 2021 BMW X5 Dominates the 2021 Lexus RX L
The 2021 BMW X5 and 2021 Lexus RX L are the two top-rated midsize luxury SUVs, but the BMW dominates the RX L in Consumer Reports ratings. The BMW X5’s road test score is much higher than the Lexus RX L. What’s behind that difference?

The 2021 BMW X5 and 2021 Lexus RX L have good road test scores, but the BMW’s is better
Consumer Reports conducts over 50 tests at their facility in Connecticut. These tests include everything that a person buying a car might be interested in, like acceleration, handling and braking.
The 2021 BMW X5 has a near-perfect road test score, at a 98. Consumer Reports gives the 2021 BMW X5 a 5/5 for its acceleration. It can reach 0 to 60 in 6.0 seconds. Its transmission scores a 5/5. Routine handling receives a 4/5, while emergency handling only gets a 3/5. The BMW X5’s max avoidance speed is 52 mph.
Braking is excellent in the X5. It scores a 5/5 and can brake from 60 mph on dry pavement in 129 feet. On wet pavement that becomes 142 feet. The X5’s headlights only score a 2/5.
The Lexus RX L’s road test score is still pretty good
Although the road test score for the 2021 Lexus RX L may not be quite as good as that of the 2021 BMW X5, it’s still pretty good at an 80. Consumer Reports gives the 2021 Lexus RX L a 4/5 for its acceleration. It can reach 0 to 60 in 7.7 seconds. Its transmission scores a 5/5. Routine and emergency handling receive a 3/5. The Lexus RX L’s max avoidance speed is 52 mph.
Braking is very good in the RX L. It scores a 4/5 and can brake from 60 mph on dry pavement in 136 feet. On wet pavement that becomes 139 feet. The RX L’s headlights score a 4/5.
Neither the X5 or the RX L have a ton of storage space
The trunk and cargo space in the X5 scores only a 3/5, with just 36.5 cubic feet of storage space. Similarly, the trunk and cargo space in the RX L scores only a 3/5, with just 31 cubic feet of storage space.
As far as comfort, the 2021 BMW X5 gets a very good 4/5 for its ride. It’s quiet: it scores a perfect 5 for its noise. Front seat comfort also gets a perfect score, while rear comfort gets a 4/5. Interior fit and finish get a perfect 5.
The 2021 Lexus RX L is even better. It scores a 5/5 for its ride and also a perfect 5/5 for its noise. Front seat comfort also gets a perfect score, while rear comfort gets a 4/5. Interior fit and finish get a perfect 5.
Although the 2021 BMW X5 and 2021 Lexus RX L are the two highest-rated midsize luxury SUVs, it’s clear that the X5 is a better choice. With its almost perfect road test score, the X5 is the best option for a midsize luxury SUV.