Which States Write the Most Speeding Tickets?
Do you question the speeding ticket habits of the state you live in? No one wants to get a speeding ticket but they happen and come with consequences. These citations can affect your driver’s license and temporarily increase the cost of auto insurance. According to Matador Network, the following states write the most speeding tickets.
5. Washington
Like Oregon, Washington is in the northwestern region bordering Canada. While it is one of the more progressive states in the nation, they rank fifth for the highest number of speeding tickets per capita. Washington is also home to high traffic areas where speeding is more common. Speeding and traffic ticket revenue is essential to many state programs in Washington state, so if a driver wants to exceed the posted limits, highway patrol will be waiting around the corner.
4. Georgia
Georgia came in at No. 4 for speeding tickets per capita. With a significant population as well as a tourist crowd coming through the state, troopers span these roadways and catch speedsters attempting to pass. A good portion of this state is rural, which causes many drivers to see blue lights in their rearview mirrors.
3. Oregon
Tucked away in the northwestern corner of the U.S., Oregon is known to be relaxed compared to the rest of the country. Despite the laid-back atmosphere, the state ranks third for writing the most tickets per capita. Despite this Oregon’s recent legalization of a specific green substance, it appears that residents are taking on the speed limit laws.
2. South Carolina
More populated than Wyoming, South Carolina takes advantages of the multiple interstates that cut through the state. With just over 5 million residents and nearly a million visitors, this state sees the second most speeding tickets per capita
1. Wyoming
One of the least populated states, Wyoming is home to large stretches of road where motorists can drive up to 80 miles per hour. However, over 40,000 speeding tickets are issued annually to visitors and residents. With such large stretches of road, it’s easy for drivers to take advantage of the highway and see just how fast their engines can push.
Watch your speed
No matter which state a motorist is traveling in across the United States, there are always posted speed limit signs on the highways. While you may feel like going five or 10 miles over the limit is okay, this perception could cost you.
Whether you reside in one of these five states or plan to visit them in the future, it is important to remember their ability to catch speeders on the highway. After all, traffic and speeding tickets generate additional income for the county and state. This gives highway patrol more of an incentive to catch fast drivers.