Weirdest Driving Laws in America You Didn’t Know Existed
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There are plenty of laws and statutes in the US that you might not know about, including some ridiculous ones. Before hopping into your cars and SUVs on your next trip, think about these road rules that were put into place. Many of these weird laws were concocted many years ago and haven’t been changed, but that doesn’t mean you can just take your donkey on any train in Illinois. Don’t be ridiculous!
Which state has the weirdest driving laws?

There are genuinely too many weird driving laws in each state to make that distinction, but let’s start with Iowa. According to The News Wheel, drivers are banned from selling vehicles on the lord’s day. That’s right, you won’t be able to hit the early church ceremony and then slide on over to your neighbor to purchase his RV. This statute applies to regular cars and RVs, suggesting someone made too many sales on Sunday.
It is probably expected that Florida has some weird laws, which is true. For the most part, Florida has a lot of laws and statutes about not parking your vehicles outside. In a state with year-round sunshine, your vehicle of choice won’t be able to soak up the sun for too long. There is also a criminal law that states you pay the same fee at a parking meter no matter what you are parking, so feel free to ride your manatee downtown.
In Oxford, Mississippi, the town has banned horns of all kinds. Don’t use your car horn to encourage someone to move, and certainly don’t use it in retaliation. Oxford had, or perhaps still has, a large horse population that doesn’t appreciate horns. Therefore, it is prohibited to honk in Oxford lest you scare the cows.
Wisconsin takes the cake for weird laws

Wisconsin has weird laws and plenty of cheese. One of those statutes is related to train crossings. Apparently, if two trains meet at an intersection, neither one can continue on the track until the other does. It sounds like there is no resolution, so perhaps this is where trains go to die. You run into another train, and poof, that’s the end.
OK, Wisconsin actually has a lot of weird criminal laws, like the one about parking for more than two hours. You cannot park your car, truck, or sport utility vehicle in Milwaukee unless you have a horse to tie to it. Don’t even think about leaving your car to watch a movie unless your horse is there to supervise. And we don’t mean the movie.
Since Wisconsin is known for its dairy, the state knows how to treat its cows. Cows have the right-of-way on public roads, and they take advantage of this situation. You can probably find some silly dairy cows strolling down the street right now. We think these road rules are a fair tradeoff for cheese.
Check out these criminal laws in Illinois
Pennsylvania is a historically significant state, which means weird driving laws are a must. For instance, don’t even think about taking your donkey onto a trolley car in Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania is way ahead of you, so you may as well leave your donkey at home next time you plan on traveling via streetcar.
The powers that be in the town of Evanston, Illinois, have forbidden folks to change in their cars without the curtains closed. There is a caveat: you can change in the vehicle without curtains drawn if there is a fire. It isn’t clear where the fire has to be, so watch out. Bowling is also forbidden in Evanston, so don’t move there all willy-nilly and expect to join a bowling league.
The longer you look, the weirder the laws get. That’s just what happens after you have 50 very different states all mingling in a single country. We appreciate that many of these are still in place after so many years, especially the ones that keep the cows safe.