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If there’s a way to steal something, someone will try to get away with it. If that was ever up for debate, a sticky-fingered thief tried to steal from a Pho restaurant in San Jose. However, the California man wasn’t just trying to stuff servings of Pho in his Honda CR-V. No, he tried to steal a robot from the establishment and stuff it in the back of his compact SUV. 

Nobody told this California man that a cluttered Honda CR-V is hardly a sufficient getaway car for a robot heist

A video shows a patron attracting a lot of attention at Pho 21 in San Jose, California. He approaches a robot in the restaurant, squatting low as he does so. He picks up the robot, struggling to find the door. The restaurant’s wait staff followed the man, screaming and gesturing as they chased him.

Despite the robot’s weight, the California man manages to get it to the business’ front door. As expected, the front door was a bit of a choke point for the thief. He slams the robot down onto the ground and drags it through the doorway.

The California man had parked his getaway vehicle directly in front of the restaurant. Good move, right? Well, maybe not. He opened the rear hatch on his second-generation Honda CR-V to make his escape with the Pho restaurant’s robot.

Unfortunately for the criminal, exterior security cameras captured the inside of his white Honda SUV. It was jam-packed with stuff, making it that much more difficult to store the robot. He tried to hoist the device into the back of the vehicle. However, between the weight and awkwardness of the machine and the efforts of the restaurant’s staff, the driver gave up and let the robot go.

The man, still wearing his hood and face covering, slumped into the driver’s seat of the Honda and departed. As you might expect, the attempted robot theft had viewers joking. “That robot is just going to find its way back to the restaurant to serve table 15,” one viewer commented. Another Instagram viewer jested that the event “felt like a kidnapping.”