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Michael Dodge, a San Francisco Bay Area business owner, inherited his late father’s prized 1973 Corvette. His father bought it brand new before Michael was born, and took meticulous care of it before passing it down. Dodge also inherited the love for the Corvette from his father, taking great care of the vehicle.

Decades of memories were woven into the upholstery, which made it more special to Michael and his family. He and his family called it, “Old Lady Blue.”

Michael wasn’t the only one who loved the vintage muscle car, though. His wife, Gwynneth, also adored it.

“She’s like a member of the family,” she told CBS News. “I always joke with Michael, we can be homeless and we would still have that car.”

Then Micahel was woken up by a call from the Benicia police that his business had been robbed. Everything else didn’t matter – the first thing he looked for was the Corvette. His worst nightmares were realized when he saw his Corvette missing.

“When I came through the door there and looked out in the warehouse and it was empty, I think I just screamed, ‘No!'” he recalled.

“Just absolute horror.”

His family turned to social media for help

Gwynneth and her daughter decided to turn to the expansive reach of social media and posted photos and information about the missing Corvette. They asked for help to find it and bring it home. Friends and family reposted the emotional post, gaining thousands of comments and reactions.

A few days later, Michael got a call with a valuable lead after seemingly endless phony calls from people wanting cash in exchange for the Corvette’s location.

“He’s just, ‘Hey Michael,’ I’m like, ‘Yeah,'” said Michael. “He says, ‘We’ve got your car’,” and I said, “‘That’s what everybody is saying.'”

So, he asked the two questions he asked everyone who called: What the mileage was, and describe the unique valve covers on the engine. When the last caller answered both questions correctly, he knew Old Lady Blue was closer to home.

“We drove up to the Colfax area and it was at a tow yard,” he said. “We pull up to the gate and she’s just sitting there in the woods. It was kind of sad.”

All they wanted for Christmas was Old Lady Blue

After retrieving the Corvette relatively unscathed, the Dodge’s told the outlet Santa needn’t bother coming to their house on Christmas Eve.

“It is, like, the best Christmas miracle,” said Gwynneth. “This is the best Christmas gift we could ever get. We don’t need anything. We’re set.”


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