Video: Violent Mob Destroys Woman’s Classic Car in Connecticut Street Takeover
Street takeovers are becoming an increasing issue in communities across the country. Earlier this week, one street takeover event in Tolland, Connecticut led to the destruction of a woman’s car and an ambulance on its way to a medical emergency. It’s just the latest in a litany of these dumb, dangerous driving events where idiots masquerading as car enthusiasts terrorize citizens for the sake of showing off.
A scene of destruction in Tolland, CT sideshow
In the video, several street takeover participants are seen approaching a silver Toyota MR2 Spyder as it is stopped in the middle of an intersection. Initially, the mob is kicking the vehicle as it attempts to leave the scene. However, the woman then steps out of the vehicle to admonish the crowd.
When she does so, a few members of the group leap onto the vehicle’s convertible top. After a few moments of stomping and kicking away at the silver sports car, the video ends.
The next morning, the woman’s daughter, Megan Sargisian, publicly posted a fundraising link to help replace her mother’s destroyed vehicle.
In the fundraiser, Megan says, “Last night, May 21st my parents were attacked in the middle of Tolland. It was a takeover that blocked the intersection, and they were just trying to drive home. The mob of people destroyed my mom’s car. It’s totaled.”
She then went on to say, “This car brought my mom so much happiness, and that was taken from her last night. In her home town (sic). For no reason.”
MotorBiscuit has reached out to Megan for comment and have not heard back. However, her parents spoke to local Connecticut’s Eyewitness News 3, indicating that she and her husband, Dennis, were simply trying to get home. They drove into the takeover unsure of what was happening. At that point, the mob attacked her vehicle, and Stephanie got out in a state of shock. The couple also stated that after a few minutes, the group dispersed and they left the scene before calling police.
Fortunately, she was unhurt in the incident. In addition, there is little context regarding what happened before and after the video in question. However, it’s hard to excuse violently destroying someone else’s property. Never mind that street takeovers often lead to this kind of violence and aren’t a reflection of the majority of car enthusiasts.
Street takeover participants out themselves as fake car enthusiasts

I get it. Not everyone has to like (or appreciate) every aspect of car culture. But in destroying a classic Toyota MR2 Spyder, this group of clowns outed themselves as fake car enthusiasts. Is a Toyota MR2 an exotic worthy of worship? No. But it’s also a special car in both its rarity and driving experience.
As if putting a stain across the entire car community wasn’t enough proof, it’s not hard to see that these street takeovers have nothing to do with a community that genuinely enjoys cars and car culture.
Unfortunately, there aren’t many MR2s left in drivable condition. And worse yet, there is now one fewer left in the world because a group of belligerent criminals decided to attack someone trying to drive through an intersection. The MR2 in question had been given to Stephanie by her father.
While insurance has totaled the vehicle, there may be some hope for its restoration.
In an update to her original post, the couple’s daughter stated, “People have offered to assist in repairing the vehicle, finding replacement parts, producing services, etc. it’s honestly overwhelming how much love and support we are getting, and so quickly too. I will keep everyone updated as I am able to.” At this point, the fundraiser has exceeded $15,000.