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Seconds count in a car fire. A trapped occupant won’t last long in a fuel-fed blaze, so passengers should get clear of a burning vehicle and reach safety as fast as they can. Fortunately for one pickup truck driver trapped in a dangerous inferno, an off-duty firefighter, police officer, and bystanders came to her rescue. 

Dramatic helmet cam video shows good Samaritans working with a firefighter and a cop to pull a woman out of a raging car fire

A motorcycle police officer’s helmet-mounted camera captured a dramatic race against the clock on a busy highway. The footage showed a half-overturned Nissan pickup truck with flames surrounding the cabin. As traffic diverted around the fiery crash, good Samaritans and the police officer got to work.

The motorcycle officer approached the overturned truck with a flashlight, likely looking for an occupant. Seeing a person in need of help, he grabbed a nightstick and began striking the driver’s side window in an attempt to smash it.

After several exhaustive swings, the hilt of the club breaks through the corner of the window. The officer then sweeps the broken window, removing potentially harmful and restrictive glass. However, the heat proved too much for him, and he didn’t pull the woman from the truck. Instead, he prompted her to get out of the truck, shouting “get out of there!”

Fortunately, an off-duty firefighter approached in turnout gear. When used properly, the lifesaving gear can protect a firefighter to temperatures beyond 500 degrees Fahrenheit. The firefighter grabs the woman and hoists her through the open window, dragging her away from the deadly blaze. 

If anything, it’s a sobering message to drive carefully and alertly. That, and a solid reminder to keep lifesaving supplies in your vehicle. In this case, a bystander approached with a small fire extinguisher. While ineffective at putting out the raging car fire, a small extinguisher can save a life, even yours, during the early stages of a blaze.

What’s more, I frequently recommended combination cutter-breaker tools to friends, family, and community members while serving on the fire department. Many breaker tools are a combination application with a seatbelt cutter. As such, a driver can cut their seatbelt and smash a restrictive vehicle window quickly.


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