These Used SUVs Are Crazy Expensive to Crash
No one wants to get into a car accident. They’re dangerous, and you could get injured. That isn’t the only consideration, though. Let’s say you get into an accident and nobody is injured. Your next thought might be, “How much is this going to cost me?” If you have one of these SUVs with the highest insurance losses, you might have to pay a pretty penny for that crash.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety keeps track of how much people have to pay after an accident. The costs are broken down by type: collision, property damage, comprehensive, personal injury, medical payment, and bodily injury. They’re further broken down by vehicle type, so you can search your particular SUV. These results are for model years 2017-2019.
The Dodge Durango is one of the SUVs with the highest insurance losses
Dodge Durangos made between 2017 and 2019 aren’t cheap to crash. The comprehensive category costs around 135% more than the average large SUV. Comprehensive insurance is for things that happen outside of an accident, like a tree falling on your SUV. And collision is 71% more than average.
The Cadillac Escalade is the large luxury SUV with the highest comprehensive loss
If you get into an accident with a Cadillac Escalade manufactured somewhere between 2017 and 2019, you’re likely going to end up with a pretty big bill. This is especially true in the comprehensive category, which costs 111% more than the average large luxury SUV. Property damage isn’t great either, at 36% more than average.
The Mercedes-Benz G class costs 800% more than average
That is not a typo. The Mercedes-Benz G class 4 door 4WD costs 819% more than the average large luxury SUV in comprehensive insurance. Not only that, but it costs 86% more in collision insurance. Its Mercedes Benz G Class AMD 4 door 4WD sibling isn’t much better. That is 405% worse than average in comprehensive insurance, and 112% worse in collision insurance.
The Bentley Bentayga is a luxury SUV that you’ll pay a luxury premium for
You might not be surprised to learn that a luxury SUV like the Bentley Bentayaga will cost more than average in insurance. In fact, it costs 577% more than the average luxury SUV in comprehensive insurance, and 432% more in collision insurance. Property damage, on the other hand, is 30% better than average.
The BMW X6 is one of the SUVs with the highest insurance losses
You won’t get away from a collision in a BMW X6 without paying a hefty price. Both the average collision insurance costs, as well as the average comprehensive insurance costs, are 218% more than the average midsize luxury SUV.
The 2017-2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee Trailhawk is an expensive SUV to have an incident with
Collision insurance costs in the 2017-2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee Trailhawks isn’t great, being 86% worse than average. However, it’s the comprehensive insurance that really creates a problem for Trailhawk owners. That’s 267% worse than the average midsize SUV.
The Mitsubishi Outlander Sports’s medical and bodily insurance costs are high
If you have an accident in the 2017-2019 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport, there are a whole bunch of categories where you might pay more than average. Medical is 79% worse than the average small SUV, while personal injury is 75% worse. Bodily injury is 70% worse. Property damage is 32% worse.
If you buy any of these used SUVs with the highest insurance losses, you should keep these figures in mind. You might want to do some additional research to find SUVs that won’t cost quite so much in the event that something happens. Of course, no one wants an accident or incident to occur, but you don’t want to pay a premium on top of it when it does.