Truck Drivers Have It Worse Than You Think During the Coronavirus Pandemic
In addition to medical professionals and researchers, our truck drivers have one of the most important jobs during the coronavirus (COVD-19) pandemic. They drive throughout the nation getting the materials and resources that are so desperately needed. They aren’t getting enough recognition for the important role they play.

Truck Drivers Have It Worse Than You Think During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Most people may think staying awake at the wheel might be their biggest risk. They don’t realize the amount of work and potential risks that our truck drivers have exposed themselves to in getting supplies where they are most needed.
Social distancing doesn’t exist if you are a truck driver
Being the one assigned to deliver goods all over the country means you are on the front lines of receiving and unloading literal tons of items potentially harboring this virus. Add in the interaction with employees at these locations, truck stops along the route, and the risk of becoming infected magnifies.
Drivers are still creating traffic issues
Before many cities issued official the shelter in place orders, people going out in mass to stock up on supplies were creating a good deal of traffic. People were operating in a state of panic and fear and having more accidents on roadways. This increase in accidents was terrible for the trucks because it was one more interference in getting the product out to the store before they go out of stock. With so much traffic, the drivers can’t seem to get the stores their supplies quickly enough.
The desperation of store shelves remaining empty has led to another problem for truckers. One issue that truck drivers have run into while trying to get products out is trying to get the products in the truck before they can ship them out. Which in itself is worse for the drivers, because this means they won’t have any product to deliver.
Supplies and demanding buyers
Due to traffic, truck drivers are slowed down in getting their products out to stores, so people have resorted to going to the source, the trucks at truck stops. People have ditched stores due to the lack of food and have started raiding truck stops out of their supplies, which isn’t suitable for the drivers who need these deliver supplies, and it isn’t good for them trying to get enough sleep to make their routes. They are having to protect their cargo without feeling much downtime.
Dining rooms closed and drive-thrus refuse service
Another main concern that most truck drivers have is getting meals while on the road. Since truck stops have run low on supplies and many dining rooms across the nation are closed, truck drivers must resort to drive-thrus. The only problem with that is that their trucks can’t fit.
“I’ve actually walked up and tried to get something, and they’ve said we can’t serve you. You need to be in a car,” says Sue Drechsel, who drives for SID Trucking.
Truck drivers are some of the most critical people today, risking their lives to get food and supplies out to stores and trying to keep stores stocked. They come in contact with food and supplies that have been imported from all over the world, which giving them a higher chance of catching the virus that everyone is trying to stay away from.