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When you consider this list of mega-stars that drive, or have driven a Toyota Prius, you realize that celebrity cars must have the right formula to satisfy a clientele that could certainly afford to drive any auto they desire. And you would be right! Toyota’s green marketing of the Prius has made it a status symbol for Hollywood elite – to showcase their environmentally-friendly lifestyles.

Tom Hanks auctioned off his Prius for charity

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Destined for a legacy as one of the world’s finest character actors of all time, Tom Hanks auctioned off his first Prius in 2010. It was his beloved, 2004 Toyota Prius plug-in hybrid that could travel 100 miles on one gallon of gasoline.

The proceeds were to benefit returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan with deployment-related mental health concerns. Tom is also a political activist and supports the efforts of NASA when it comes to environmental issues.

Ryan Gosling loves his Prius and animals

Ryan Gosling may be one of the sexiest environmentalists in Hollywood. You may spot Ryan in a number of different celebrity cars, including his 1973 Chevelle Malibu.

But, he does own and drive his black Prius around town. The Canadian born actor is an animal lover and has publicly worked with PETA and on several environmental campaigns. 

Cameron Diaz lives an environmentally friendly life

From The Mask to There’s Something About Mary to Vanilla Sky and Charlie’s Angels, Cameron Diaz is a Hollywood sweetheart that can play ditzy or dicey roles equally well.

In addition to driving an eco-friendly Prius, Cameron is an environmental hero and lives a sustainable lifestyle with minimal lighting, reusing and recycling goods, and has implement energy-efficient home systems and furnishings.

Julia Roberts cares about the environment on and off the screen

While known for her beauty and fame, Julia Roberts lives a rather practical lifestyle without the flashy trappings you would expect from a four-time Academy Award-nominated actress, with one win for her portrayal of Erin Brockovich in 2001.

So driving a Prius makes sense for Julia Roberts since she did win her Oscar playing the role of a consumer advocate and environmental activist that built and won a legal case against the Pacific Gas and Electric.

Leonardo DiCaprio walks the walk with his Prius

A leading man and a leading voice in the fight against global warming, Leonardo DiCaprio would certainly be listed among Prius owners and their celebrity cars.

DiCaprio’s Prius gets about 50 miles to the gallon as a hybrid petrol/electric vehicle. The blond, blue-eyed sex symbol of Hollywood has received numerous awards for his environmental efforts and his philanthropy. 

Danny DeVito has a history of green cars

Danny DeVito advocates for the environment by driving a Toyota Prius. But, this is not Danny’s first electric vehicle. He was one of the first on the list of eco-friendly celebrity cars when he rushed out to buy a General Motors EV1 back in 1996.

Danny DeVito has a passion for the environment, which may be why he was selected to voice the leading character in The Lorax, playing the gruff guardian of the forest in this 2012 Dr. Seuss film.

Jeff Goldblum proves the Prius is great for tall people

This horror film celeb turned respected and Oscar-winning actor is most memorable for his quirky role in the Jurassic Park series films. Despite his fame, Jeff Goldblum has no problem being seen out and about driving his Toyota Prius. He may be a walking testament to the interior comfort of the Prius, with a height of 6-feet, 4-inches tall.

It seems as if so many Hollywood stars are driving a Toyota Prius, that it’s hard to tell if it has become a status symbol or a declaration of environmental concern. One thing we know, it is a step in the right direction.


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