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It’s never fun to return to your car only to find it trashed. Thieves often flip through everything, leaving a huge mess and stealing valuables. One man is giving up after his Jeep Cherokee has been targeted five times in the past three years. 

Thieves target the same Jeep Cherokee five times 

D’Juan Terry is a trucker from Nashville, Tennessee. While he’s on the road, he leaves his personal vehicle, a Jeep Cherokee, parked at the Wolfchase Home Depot or a nearby hotel lot. 

According to WREG, thieves have broken into the Jeep SUV five times in the past three years. The most recent break-in was only a few days ago. 

Now he’s fed up. Terry keeps having to replace his windows and prices keep going up. He shared that he only used his insurance once because it’s more expensive to do so in the long run. 

Receipts from previously replacing the windows were still in his SUV during the latest break-in. The prices for the same glass have increased from $200 bucks to over $500. 

While the thieves haven’t gotten away with many valuables, they ransack his Jeep, damage it, and leave it trashed. But it doesn’t seem like anyone cares. 

Terry ranted, sharing that he isn’t rich, but he works his butt off. He loves his job but still doesn’t make enough to cover the fifth break-in. He says people aren’t safe in their driveways and may legally purchase a gun. 

A thief popping the lock on a car door
Thief breaking into a car | iStock

He woke up while sleeping at the Home Depot after running out of driving hours to the sounds of people breaking into cars and doing donuts, so he called the police. The thieves took off and the police didn’t chase them. 

I have a few questions and thoughts on this Jeep Cherokee matter. After the third break-in, why not park somewhere else? 

Why not leave the car at home? Why not leave it near a friend’s house and ask for rides to work? Isn’t there a truck terminal with secure parking? 

Why not invest in better security systems? A security window film reinforces the glass to protect it and discourage thieves.


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