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Everyone wants cheap gas prices when filling up their tanks. However, most people don’t want them enough to resort to theft at gas station pumps. Nevertheless, San Diego police are looking for people who recently did this very thing and stole the amount of gas the station would usually sell in a single day. Interestingly, they didn’t use gas pump card skimmers to do their dirty work. 

They robbed gas station pumps without using the usual method

The idea of drivers stealing gas from station pumps is nothing new. However, they usually do it with gas pump skimmers, which steal people’s credit card information. Now, according to CBS 8, a group of people used a different method in San Diego at a 76/Circle K. In the end, the thieves had stolen about 3,000 worth of diesel. Notably, this is what the manager says the store sells in a day. 

So, how did they steal this much gas from the station pumps without using card skimmers? The manager says they first paid about $70 worth of fuel. However, they were able to open the machine and somehow alter it so it would continue to pump gas. In fact, the gas station thieves came twice on November 22nd, once at around 2:00 a.m. and then again at 5:00 a.m. 

Of course, there is surveillance footage of the people stealing from the gas station pumps. Apparently, it shows them putting the fuel into a large container, which they had in the truck’s bed. Notably, the manager says this has occurred at the gas station before. He said that someone stole about 800 gallons just a few weeks ago. Of course, this is despite gas prices being relatively cheap right now. However, no one has been arrested. 

For more reading on this subject, check out a recent article about a Nebraska gas station scam.