The Least Complained About Cars Are Actually Unexpected
On the list based on data that iSeeCars compiled, there are two cars of the same brand up top. People complained to the NHTSA the least for these two the Kia Forte and the Kia Soul. Most would probably assume a Honda or Toyota––or even Lexus would wave a model in the top two. These brands all have a history of producing models with safe and reliable reputations.

So how is it that Kia rises to the top with these two unexpected models? Let’s look at what the NHTSA has to say about the Kia Soul and the Kia Forte. Maybe we will get a little insight into these impressive tops spots on the iSeeCars list of least complained about cars.
2020 Kia Forte NHTSA review
The 2020 Kia Forte is a recent example of the Kia Forte. For this reason, we felt that it’s the best year to go to for the NHTSA overview. What we found is pretty impressive. In fact, it’s probably safe to say that in terms of safety-related complaints, the Kia Forte will probably remain near the top for some time.

There are only three complaints filed for the 2020 Kia Forte. This Kia model receives a 4 out of 5 star safety rating from the NHTSA, and it has undergone zero investigations. It’s not perfect by any means. However, people just don’t seem to be complaining.
The 2020 Kia Forte has also seen zero recalls. US News and World Report posts a Kia Forte price of $17,890 – 23,090 for the 2020 model. In the US News review of the Kia Forte, we see praise like “the 2020 Forte is an excellent car. This Kia gets you a lot for a little; it has loads of standard tech and safety features” and “Its upscale and well-made cabin is a pleasant place for long-distance travel.”

2020 Kia Soul NHTSA review
According to the iSeeCars list, received 6.5 complaints per 10,000 units sold. Also, if you go to the 2020 Kia Soul review on the NHTSA website, you’ll see that this car has zero recalls and zero ongoing investigations. It’s a pretty clean car in terms of safety complaints. It’s technically a “subcompact SUV.”
US News and World Report ranked the 2020 Kia Forte #2 among others in its class. The 2019 Kia Soul was also the winner of the US News ‘Best New Cars for Teens’ award. Its price range is $17,490 – 27,490, according to US News.

Additionally, it receives praise like “yes, the Kia Soul is a great vehicle, whether you prefer to think of it as a compact car, a hatchback, or a subcompact SUV.” Additionally, US News writes that the 2020 Kia Soul has “overall quality, high crash test scores, and (a) lengthy list of available active safety features.”

Kind of surprising
We’ve all heard that KIA stands for “Killed In Action.” But it’s looking like that isn’t so true after all. People are buying Kias, and they aren’t complaining. The Kia Forte and the Kia Soul are the least complained about cars, according to NHTSA data posted by iSeeCars.