The Hyundai Santa Fe Is the Cutest SUV on Instagram
If you haven’t seen the tiny Hyundai Santa Fe on Instagram, you need to. Though things are beginning to loosen up in some areas, the world is still a very different place than before. Many of us are still spending far more time at home than we used to and the boredom is real.

But what Hyundai did with that boredom is one of the cutest things. Ever. It may be because I’m a mom that I appreciate this tiny and adorable, adventurous little Hyundai Santa Fe. We have certainly found ourselves immersed in some intricate games over the last few weeks, and I have played with my fair share of tiny cars. Whatever the reason, Hyundai’s Instagram campaign really struck a chord.
You’ve already seen the Santa Fe in commercials, parked on the lot, and driving about in the wild. But, unless you’ve perused Hyundai’s Instagram, I promise you haven’t seen the Hyundai Sante Fe in all its tiny toy cuteness. This post of the family having a nice day out at the lake is just the beginning.
Sightseeing on a family road trip
The family at the lake with the sailing rig looks like fun. Many of us are reminiscing about the summer plans we had before, that may not happen as planned. This tiny toy tour of a miniature family in their miniature Hyundai Santa Fe is lighthearted and fun –– something we could all use these days.
But Hyundai didn’t stop there. Turns out, the itsy bitsy teeny weeny Hyundai Santa Fe has more in store. The next post of the fam outside of their parked Santa Fe sightseeing a (mini) giant rubber band ball is just as cute.
Pretty much every family has experienced the pleasure –– and endured the pain –– of hitting the road for a big family trip. This shot of a family sightseeing on a road trip will probably remind many of the times they’ve had out on the road with the entire crew in tow. We are loving this take on taking the adventure indoors and, by mimicking experiences families have had in full-size real life, Hyundai has found a way to connect with families on an emotional yet uplifting level.
This shot of the super-adventurous backyard setting is extra fun. Everyone can use some fresh air –– even the tiniest family of all. Looks like the Santa Fe is helping families get out and go for it. Even if it is imaginary. In a toy car… in the back yard.
The desire for a Hyundai Santa Fe starts small
These posts are getting attention. Thousands of likes and hundreds of comments must mean that I am not the only one falling in love with the tiniest Hyundai Santa Fe. I’m now wondering with excitement how many other miniature cars we will see in media posts in the coming months.
Could this be a new trend in auto advertising? If so, we’re here for it. It’s fun to see auto brands shake things up and give us something besides the exciting music paired with flash shots of various angles of a car as it rages down a winding vacant road in the exotic countryside. Not that we have anything against those commercials –– we like those, too. But this ad campaign takes the cake as one of the cutest (and tiniest) of all.