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Every vehicle has its problematic years. Sometimes it’s due to a design flaw at the manufacturing phase. Other times, it’s a general quality issue that only rears its head at higher mileages. For the GMC Yukon, one such problem year featured a unique and costly problem that has proven to be a hassle for many with 2015 models.

Some common complaints with the 2015 GMC Yukon is an excellent resource for evaluating actual owner reports and costs of repairs. For the 2015 GMC Yukon, many owners experienced issues with the air conditioning failing. This issue ranks as ‘pretty bad’ considering the cost to repair is over $1000, and problems occur shortly after the 65,000-mile mark.

The third most common reported complaint is transmission related. Many Yukon owners report having hesitation and transmission vibrations. But these aren’t the worst concerns for these SUVs.

The most costly problem with the 2015 model

Tail lights failed for several GMC Yukon owners. You might think tail light problems aren’t high on the severity list, but these particular failures have proven to be seriously problematic. Many owners report issues shortly beyond the 60,000-mile mark.

What began as a more of a hassle, quickly turned into a costly fix. In fact, the most common repair requires a complete light assembly replacement, costing upwards of $700. Some hoped replacing the tail light itself would do the trick, but soon discovered assembly replacement was the only solution.

How GMC made improvements to the Yukon

Tail light problems continued to occur through 2016 models too. But, eventually, the complaints phased out, indicating GMC made improvements in model years that followed, to correct the problems. So, if you find yourself thinking about buying a used Yukon newer than 2016, you should be free and clear of this most common nuisance.

What’s new for 2020?

If a new GMC Yukon is on your radar, you may be wondering what’s new with the latest model. Following the ‘if it’s not broken, don’t fix it method,’ GMC Yukon is unchanged for 2020 in terms of generational design. You’ll continue to enjoy a roomy cabin for up to nine people. You’ll also enjoy the standard 5.3-liter V8 engine with impressive towing capability.

Holding out for the 2021 redesign

New for 2021 and with plans for availability and launch this summer, the GMC will offer a complete redesign of the Yukon. Some say it borrows the meat-and-potatoes from the Chevy Tahoe and Suburban but will provide unique styling and brand new features.

Rumors suggest you’ll have your pick of three engines, including one turbo-diesel inline-six and two gas variations. Each engine will be mated with a 10-speed automatic transmission for seamless shifting. Expect more room, as the cargo space will be increased and reports are already talking about roomier cabins too.

GMC plans to step up in offering interior equipment, meaning you might have everything at your fingertips, besides the kitchen sink. You may decide to bypass buying a used Yukon, or even the 2020 model, to settle in behind the wheel of a 2021 instead.

The 2015 GMC Yukon earns the title of ‘worst model year’ according to Owners reported the highest volume of complaints about the 2015 Yukon, but it also is considered the worst year because of repair costs and average mileage when failures surfaced.

Tail light malfunction isn’t going to keep you from driving your Yukon, but you’ll have to dig deep into the wallet for a solution. If a new-to-you Yukon is on your list, and it’s a 2015, definitely verify the tail light assembly replacement before you buy. Otherwise, you may be out an additional $700 later.


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