The 2005 Honda CR-V Is a Cheap Used Family SUV
Buying a cheap SUV doesn’t have to mean sacrificing your reliability. There are a handful of older SUVs that you can buy that will still have a lot of life left even after they’ve gone up in miles. Cars like the 2005 Honda CR-V are a great option, whether it’s your first car, your weekday driver, or your family vehicle, because they are inexpensive to buy, cheap to repair, and practical enough to get you where you need to go with whatever you need to bring.
An older Honda CR-V just isn’t that luxurious
, The interior of the 2005 Honda CR-V isn’t anything worth a second look. There aren’t any extraordinary luxury features or cool safety tech to brag to your friends about. On the other hand, that’s part of what makes it an excellent daily driver or family vehicle. Better yet, you can get one for around $5,000 or less even in good condition.

The Honda CR-V interior might not be particularly fancy, but it is relatively comfortable. The seats are spacious and well-padded, so you won’t be complaining of back problems after driving hours for your weekend soccer tournament. The back seats are wide enough to fit teenagers or car seats comfortably, and the trunk is big enough to fit plenty of groceries, gym bags, or anything else you could need.
A decent car for the money
The Honda CR-V isn’t lined with luxury, but it does offer a lot of comforts. The front and backseats are spacious and comfortable. After all, that is part of why they are such popular family vehicles. You won’t be stressed about having to maintain expensive leather seats, which can be ruined with car seats, belt buckles, or anything other toys your child has to have with them at all times.

They also won’t leave you stranded on the side of the road because with just minimal maintenance, these cars have been known to last well over 200,000 miles or more. In case something does go wrong that isn’t covered by any of the handful of recalls, parts are typically easy to source, and labor isn’t very intensive like you could see on a lot of over-engineered European cars. This makes them inexpensive to maintain as well as repair on the occasion that something does go wrong.
The 2005 Honda CR-V is an oldie, but a goodie. The comfortable and spacious interior pair with the car’s smoother handling to get you and your family where you need to go. Better yet, it’s a reliable and safe SUV to buy and keep running even on the smallest of budgets.