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Abbigale Whipple and Christopher Gangell, two former lovers from Harwinton, Connecticut, were in a tumultuous relationship for around a year before breaking up. In July of 2024, Gangell and Whipple got into a heated argument over text. Gangell blocked her number, causing her to become enraged.

The last text message she sent Gangell was a cryptic, “I warned you.”

This is where Logan Diaz-Lopardo comes in. Diaz-Lopardo reportedly became obsessed with Whipple and repeatedly tried to woo her into a romantic relationship. She denied him but kept him within arm’s reach. Her hold on him would prove fatal for Gangell as she messaged Diaz-Lopardo asking him to help her get revenge on her ex.

“Can we beat his ass please,” read a text message from Whipple to Diaz-Lopardo, provided by WSAZ. “I want him hurt.”

Within a few hours, authorities identified Diaz-Lopardo as the driver and Whipple as the passenger of the car that fatally struck Gangell. The impact threw him 70 feet, and he later died from his injuries.

Police took the crazy ex and her accomplice to jail

During the investigation that took place in August, she told police she was aware of Diaz-Lopardo’s obsession and took advantage of it.

“I mean, maybe I have threatened [Gangell], but I didn’t mean anything I said,” she reportedly told investigators. “Everything I say is out of ‘impulsivity.'”

Authorities arrested both of them last week and charged them with felonies. They charged Diaz-Lopardo with a first-degree felony with intent to injure, first-degree manslaughter involving grave risk of death, and conspiracy to commit first-degree manslaughter.


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