The scarcity of small trucks like the Ford Maverick is mostly due to a very strange reason: the outdated Chicken Tax, which is a 25% tariff on light truck imports.
Yes, it's real and no, it's not a movie prop. This is the Franco Sbarro TAG Function Car, and we explain what it is and why it's better on the inside than the outside.
What's a weird, ugly truck? We don't want to hype the answer, but we'll instead present the VanClee Mungo and Emmet. Two "interesting" pickups enthusiasts need to know about.
Here's a look at how artificial intelligence (AI) like ChatGPT might change the way consumers interact with the automotive industry in the near future.
It was a nerve-wracking cold winter evening for some Wisconsin residents, with a felon on the loose after he crashed his car into a pole — knocking out power, following a high-speed police chase.