Fuel Economy

Fuel Economy
With rising gas prices, fuel economy has become an essential conversation amongst most people. It's critical to know how to save money while driving your SUV or Crossover while hauling around your family. There are even fuel-efficient trucks and RVs to help you find a way to save money while traveling to your heart's content.
There are lists of the most fuel-efficient semi-trucks from a commercial and business standpoint, though they are still gas guzzlers. Ways to save money when it comes to gas have become vital, like having certain AWD vehicles. Then there are questions of premium gas versus regular gas.
With the move toward EVs and countries placing bans on gas and diesel car sales, it is becoming more and more challenging to own a gas-powered vehicle and focus on fuel economy. This is why it is essential to know your options for gas milage, including how hybrids can help.