Car dealerships are at the mercy of a number of uncontrollable external factors. Currently, dealers are concerned about the overall state of the economy.
Destination charges are part of what you pay for a new car, but they aren't part of the MSRP. Why are they separate and how do you negotiate them, or do you?
There is more to buying a car than buying the car. There will be extras like insurance and warranties that the dealer might sell you, but do you need them?
You never want to give the car salesperson more information than they need. And even then, there is a right time and wrong time to tell them. We offer 10 things you should never say to a car salesperson, and other assorted tips.
A Kia dealership owner and some employees in Oklahoma were found guilty of fraud, identity theft, bribery, and other counts. They targeted those with low credit scores or no credit.
Buying a car from a traditional dealership can be fun, but it can also be intimidating. Here are five tips to help you deal with that nerve-wracking feeling.
The next time you buy a car from a dealership, the salesperson might tell you that they're "not making any money form the deal." Here is why they say that and what you can do about it.
The next time you buy a car from a dealership, don't be surprised when the finance manager tries to sell you extra products. Here are the products that you should say "no" to.
Buying a new or used car can be a daunting task, especially due to the fact that there are many unscrupulous dealers and a car sellers nowadays. If you plan on buying a car soon, here are seven signs that you might be getting a bad deal.
Buying a car from a dealership can be daunting if you don't understand some of the terms being used. Here are the most common dealership terms to help you get through a car deal.