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Boating alone, Robin Lee Graham, 18, holds his ginger tabby cat, Avanga, aboard his 24-foot sloop in 1967

Is Boating Alone Dangerous?

Boating can be a fun activity to share with friends, but some people prefer to boat alone. Although the perils of the sea may be amplified during a solo sail, individuals who adhere to a safety regimen can enjoy solitary seafaring without too many risks. Here's what you need to know about boating alone.
A person water skiing behind a boat in a waterway in Okeeheelee Park on March 26, 2021, in West Palm Beach, Florida

What Is the Best Speed for Water Skiing?

Since its invention in Minnesota in 1922, water skiing has been one of America's favorite pastimes. Few sports can compare to the exhilaration of riding a boat's wake. But skiers must be going fast enough to maintain momentum. So, what's the best speed for water skiing? Well, that depends.
The propeller of the 29-foot boat Naut Guilty, shown here in Charlestown, Massachusetts, cut off a woman's arm

This 1 Thing Can Prevent a Grisly Boating Accident

There’s nothing better than enjoying a summer day out on a boat with friends and family. And following proper boating safety guidelines can make the difference between a fun afternoon and an unnecessary trip to the emergency room. Unfortunately, the day can turn deadly when boat operators don’t follow proper safety precautions. Everyone has heard …