
Diesel engines are known for their efficiency and towing capabilities. So, what is the difference between a gasoline engine and a diesel engine? Some assume that diesel is worse for the environment. However, this is not true. The engines can also be easier to maintain.
Suppose you are considering purchasing a vehicle with one of these engines. In that case, there are a few things that you need to look for to ensure that you are getting a quality vehicle that has been adequately maintained when buying used. Also, don't let high mileage shy you away from buying used. It's not unlikely to find a diesel truck with upwards of 200,000-miles or 3o0,000-miles or more.
However, these engines are not for everyone. The noise that comes with it is not for everyone. It is still quieter than it once was. There are also common issues with diesel engines to consider as well. This is a great place to start your research if you are interested in one of these engines.