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People going for a ride in a Bayliner boat

Full-Time Boat Living Hits Snag With Pandemic

The global COVID-19 pandemic shutdown began its clampdown regionally in late February to early March of this year. During that period, there was a lot of news about people on cruise ships being stuck onboard with no understanding of when they would be permitted to disembark. But the pandemic did not just affect the cruise ship …
Boat shrink wrap

How Much Does It Cost To Shrink Wrap a Boat?

Winter is already breathing down our necks. Unless you’re one of the lucky few who live in a region where it never freezes and you’re able to boat throughout the winter months, now is the time to haul your boat out of the water. It’s also time to think about winterizing your boat.  If you’re one …
speed boat with its nose out of the water, exposing the bottom of the boat above the water

Why Do Boats Have Paint on the Bottom?

If you live near a body of water, a boat is a great way to spend some quality family time. Because of their resale value, buying a boat can also be a decent investment. However, you should be prepared to put a decent amount of cash into your boat, because it never pays to be cheap. Protecting your investment …
A Bayliner Maxum boat on crystal clear water.

Is a Boating License or Certification Needed To Pilot a Boat?

If you are considering becoming a first-time boat owner, do not jump in blindly. Do some research. The need for and the process of acquiring a boat license varies by state. The type of license may even vary depending on the type of vessel and the pilot’s age. For example, personal watercrafts, such as jet …
A catamaran sailboat seen sailing around sunset

The Best Sailing Channels On YouTube – By Subscriptions

In addition to the entertainment value, YouTube is a great tool to learn things or win things. If you don’t know where to find the fuse box on your vehicle, or how what the difference is between a boat and a ship, there’s probably a YouTube video showing you. Occasionally, some YouTube channels even give …
A man and woman take their Boston Whaler boat out to sea at Lyford Cay, Bahamas

Boston Whaler’s Newest Boat Is Perfect for Families

Brunswick, the maker of the Boston Whaler, has a new boat to offer consumers, and it appears to be a perfect fit for families of all sizes. The 240 Vantage model offers the right amount of amenities to appeal to all types of people, no matter what activities they do on the water.   Anglers and …
A sailing boat sails in sunny autumn weather past brightly coloured trees near Gatow on the Havel

Every Boater Should Have This Simple Device Installed

Although they are frequently overlooked, bilge pumps are one of the most vital items you can have if your boat begins taking on water. In emergencies, these pumps are often the last line of defense to keep your boat afloat until help arrives. Fortunately, they are typically affordable and easy to install, according to BoatUS. …
three people on boat looking through binoculars for marine wildlife

Where You Can Take Your Boat to See the Best Marine Wildlife

Seeing marine wildlife from the bow of your own boat is a breathtaking experience. Sea turtles, manatees, manta rays, dolphins, and whales are all accessible in bodies of water throughout the country. There are plenty of boating destinations to witness the beauty of marine animals in their natural habitat. Whether it’s warm tropical waters or arctic oceans you are …
Woman wear face masks after the southern Italian region of Campania made it mandatory to wear protective face coverings outdoors 24 hours a day, to contain the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak.

These Once Floating Cities Are Now Ghostly Tourist Attractions

If boats weren’t already normally a hassle, cruises would feel like a relic from long ago in these wild times. A place where thousands of international strangers congregate in small places for days at a time? That may as well be Narnia at this point. If for some reason, you find yourself missing cruises, you …
Yamaha FSH Sport Center Console

Yamaha Is Redefining How People Think About Center Console Boats

Based on Yamaha’s very popular sport boat models, the FSH Sport is just the boat you need for all your fishing and family adventures. Even in rough waters, you sail with confidence thanks to its fine craftsmanship and dual engines. With driveline and dual engines housed in the hull under the captain’s leaning post, the …
Sealander camper sets sail

This Camper Can be Towed by Most Cars and Take to the Sea

Life is all about choices. Where to live, what to drive, whether or not to have kids, and should you get a camper or a boat? These are all of the biggest questions life can throw at us (mostly the boat thing), right? Although the fine folks at Sealander can’t really help with the other …
People going for a ride in a Bayliner boat

Winter Boat Storage Options: What You Need To Know

Not everybody is a boating expert. For those who are learning about ownership, this post is about the famous questions: What do you do with your boat during the Winter? Is it safe to leave the boat in the water year-round? Boats and Winter Winter weather states, that is, states that are prone to freezing …
A view of a restored 2003 Sea-N-Sport boat.

$100 Boat Purchase Turns Out To Be a Gem

Florida is known for its palm trees, car culture, beaches, and boats. Not surprisingly, there are so many boats in that area of the country that occasionally buyers come across some incredible deals. One gentleman found a used 2003 Sea-N-Sport boat that he was able to purchase for $100. At that price, the vessel came …
A 40-foot 2017 Sea Ray 400 Sundancer is displayed at the 63rd annual Houston International Boat, Sport and Travel Show

The 2020 Sea Ray Sundancer 320 Does a Little Bit of Everything

The Sundancer line from Sea Ray is full of highly acclaimed boats, and the 2020 Sea Ray Sundancer 320 is no exception. Packed with convenience and comfort features, this boat is immensely versatile and has a little something for everyone, says Boating Magazine. Here’s what you should know about the Sundancer 320. What to expect …
Sailing yachts are stranded in the harbour after the heavy autumn storm "Ianos" at the quay wall. The so-called Medicane, a Mediterranean hurricane, and another storm over the North Aegean Sea caused severe damage and destruction

What Boat Owners Should Know in Hurricane Season

Most boat owners know that when a hurricane is forecasted, it’s imperative to batten down the hatches before the storm hits. Having a preparation plan in place will ensure your boat is as safe as possible. A hurricane or tropical storm can cause high winds, torrential rain, damaging waves, and powerful surges that vary in strength and …
A man riding on his Boston Whaler

2020 Is a Banner Year for Boat Sales

Outdoors related industries have seen a big boom in business during the global COVID-19 pandemic. People have been searching for ways to get out of their homes without being in stuck in masses at airports, bus stations, and cruise ships. We’ve already covered how RV manufacturers have had to balance shutting down plants while trying …