Singing Bus Driver Creates Music Video to Show His Family a Day at Work
Finding work you’re proud of and love to do is a true blessing in life. Ranjit Singh Veer takes pride in his job as a bus driver in England. But he struggled to tell his family still living in India just how much the job means to him. So he decided to record a video. And what better video than a music video?
One of Ranjit’s favorite aspects of the job is how multicultural the passengers and drivers are. “There’s a real team spirit and I wanted to do something that celebrated the many different communities we have at our West Bromwich depot and how we all work together as one team.”

That team is one reason he’s stayed in the career. What’s more, much of the crew agreed to be part of Ranjit’s video. ““I have worked at National Express West Midlands for 13 years and take great pride in what I do..I thought there was no better way than a video to show my family back home what I do for a living…I have a great passion for driving and singing, so I wanted to combine the two together.”
That theme of teamwork across cultures repeats throughout the song. And it may be one of the reasons it has become so popular on YouTube. Ranjit and company chose to sing in Punjabi. But they translated the words to English for the video’s subtitles.
Friends drive buses together.
With honest working hands, we drive the buses. From different countries brothers drive buses together…we all drive the buses from our different faiths.
Next, learn about how Hawaiian bus drivers signal other drivers with a friendly ‘shaka’ sign, or you can see the entire song in the video below: