Grocery shoppers get screamed at by turkeys in a transport truck
Do you know what could kill the Thanksgiving mood? Getting screamed at by turkeys as you wrap up grocery shopping to prepare for the feast. PETA is parking its “Hell on Wheels’ realistic turkey transport truck outside of stores.
The Hell on Wheels turkey transport truck screams at shoppers
If you saw turkeys stuffed into small cages in a transport truck and heard their screams, would you go vegan? That might be the goal for PETA.
Some drivers might call this stunt crazy but PETA is using their Hell on Wheels turkey truck to spread awareness about animal cruelty.
The life-size hyperrealistic truck is covered with images of the birds stuffed in small crates on the way to the slaughterhouse. Anyone within earshot of the truck will hear recorded turkey screams every 10 seconds.
It seems like the truck could be loud and annoying. Perhaps it disrupts the peace with loud screams in front of grocery stores as people rush to get the final touches before Thanksgiving. I wonder if the police will make the truck move.
Drivers will be taking the truck on a 30-state tour in an attempt to build compassion for the 46 million turkeys killed annually for Thanksgiving.
According to PETA, turkeys are devoted parents who purr to their chicks and whose skin changes to express their emotions.
But in the meat industry, they’re treated as unfeeling objects. They’re cramped in filthy sheds and often slaughtered while they’re still conscious.
PETA hopes that the Hell on Wheels transport truck will inspire Thanksgiving and Christmas shoppers to give turkeys a break. It should also stop the annual cycle of cruelty by going vegan this year.
So far, the truck has been set up in front of grocery stores like Costco and Trader Joe’s in Washington, California, Oregon, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Virginia, West Virginia, and Ohio.