Is Getting SeaDek for Your Boat Worth It?
Owning a boat can get expensive fast, especially if you’re new to boating. There are many questions, like should you buy a new or used vessel, do you need to winterize it, and what type of engine should you buy? Then there’s the question of whether you should purchase boat accessories like SeaDek.
This product has been on the market for a few years, but it has recently become more popular. Here’s all you need to know about SeaDek and whether it’s worth installing on your boat.
What is SeaDek?
SeaDek is a foam deck for your boat. The product debuted in 2002, and over the past 19 years, it has been growing in popularity.
According to the Florida-based company SeaDek, its product of the same name is “utilized not only by the top boat builders in the marine industry but also in the aftermarket by boat owners seeking custom products. Made from closed-cell PE/EVA foam, SeaDek products offer safe and comfortable alternatives to marine traction products currently on the market. Easy to install and customizable, SeaDek replaces the need for molded-in non-skid, saving OEMs time and money during the manufacturing process.”
What does SeaDek do?
Why would a boat owner need a foam deck? Isn’t fiberglass the best way to go? Though there’s no doubt that fiberglass looks great when it’s new, it begins to show age with wear, and it isn’t very comfortable to stand on. This is especially true on the ocean when waves are rocking the boat.
The foam deck comes in handy to make boating more comfortable. According to SeaDek, the product can reduce noise, protect the boat surface from scratches and dents, offer increased comfort while moving around on the boat, provide better traction even when the deck is wet, and reduce fatigue by absorbing shock.
But does it actually do all of this? Lenny Rudow, who installed SeaDek on his vessel and wrote about it on the Miami-based Boats.com, thinks so.
“Including the cost of supplies, DIY re-decking with SeaDek cost just under $1,000 and took me two full days of work (16.5 hours),” Rudow wrote. “Was the project worth the investment? During the first day of fishing after the installation, I guessed it was around 25 percent more comfortable to stand on the deck and 80 to 90 percent more comfortable to kneel on it. I positively love this stuff.”
The price for a SeaDek depends on the sheet’s size. The smallest, measuring 18 by 38 inches, costs $43.99. The largest and most expensive sheet is 40 by 80 inches and retails for $174.99. How much it will cost you depends on your boat’s size and how many sheets you’ll need.
Is this product worth getting?
If you’re a serious boater, getting SeaDek is a good idea. It can make life easier just by easing the stress on your joints. And when you’re fishing, the noise reduction will also help you move around without fear of scaring away your next catch.
But should you get SeaDek if you use your boat only on weekends or on special occasions? Probably not. Though the product more than pays for itself, if you don’t use your boat frequently, you won’t get your money’s worth.
That being said, if you can afford one or a few sheets, this product has gotten some rave reviews. It’s unclear if it would help increase your boat’s value if you chose to sell it, but it probably wouldn’t hurt. If nothing else, SeaDek sheets will make boating more comfortable once you install them.