RV Living Challenges and Benefits
Many people may consider the idea of living in an RV full-time the ultimate lifestyle. There are indeed a lot of benefits to living a somewhat nomadic life in an RV. But, there are also a lot of challenges that some people are not prepared for, especially during pandemic situations. So, what are the RV living challenges and benefits of being on the road full-time?
RV living challenge: Mental fatigue

Driving or towing a recreational vehicle is a greater drain on the driver. RVs are typically longer and slower. So, constantly looking ahead to calculate turn radiuses and judge stopping distance to traffic lights for a multi-ton camper causes mental fatigue. So too, does constantly watching and being aware of anything on either side, or the distance to something is behind. This mental fatigue is all the more real when driving during a downpour through a windy storm. Parking the beast can also add to that anxiety.
RV living challenge: Weather
The weather is not always going to cooperate with the RV enthusiast. RVs are not insulated like homes. So, there is a lot of loss of heat or air conditioning. This can mean waking up cold due to a frosty or snowy morning even though the heat has been on. Warm coffee, layered clothes, and blankets can help to try to remedy the chill. Nonetheless, the weather is a big challenge.
RV living challenge: Expenses may not be what people expect
Living full-time in an RV is not as expense-free as many people think. There are campsite fees, site fees, hook-up fees, and of course, maintenance fees that all take a toll on the wallet. Although those fees may amount to less than a mortgage in a metropolitan area, that is not always the case when compared to mortgages in more rural areas. Oh, and do not forget internet fees, cell phone fees, insurance, etc.
RV living challenge: Lack of space
Many things will have to go if one is considering making the switch to the RV life. Lack of space usually becomes a concern pretty quickly. When people downsize from homes that are typically over 1,000 square feet, the transition to a recreational vehicle can be very eye-opening and very space constricted.
RV living benefit: Mental Refreshing
Living in an RV gives people the opportunity to unplug from the urban rat race. RVlifers set their own schedule and can actually eat at a calm pace versus finding grab-and-go and whoofing them down as fast as possible in order to make it to the next meeting. The slower pace is refreshing and helps recharge one’s mental batteries.
RV living benefit: Weather
Bad weather is going to move into an area whether a person is on the road or in a brick-and-mortar home. But, the benefit of mobile living is that when the skies clear up, the scenery can be awe-inspiring,… or disappointing. Nonetheless, at least the person can actually experience it first hand.
RV living benefit: Expenses

The average home mortgage is going to be more than the average RV loan. Those loans are typically for ten or more years. So, unless the recreational vehicle is valued like a home, the payments will be a lot more favorable for the wallet.
RV living benefit: Space
Living in a smaller space than a traditional home can seem constricting. However, many people who take the nomadic life as a full-time living situation often say that simplifying is a benefit they come to appreciate. The lack of space means less focus on consumerism things and a greater focus on enjoying life in the outdoors.
Some people like macaroni and cheese, and some do not. That does not change that fact that macaroni and cheese is still edible food. Likewise, full-time RV living is no different than any other type of living. It has pros, and it has cons. That does not make this type of lifestyle any more or less relevant. It is just different, and that is okay. But, it is best to know what anyone considering the lifestyle is in for because it is foolish to think it is all benefits with no challenges. Hopefully, the list above will help reveal some truth.