Traffic lights are a part of the lives of drivers and have been since seemingly forever as an alternative to traditional road signs. However, most people simply obey the laws surrounding them without knowing how they work. Are red lights on timers, do they have sensors, or is the system a combination of both? Additionally, how much safer do traffic lights make driving? Of course, most people aware of the red light camera and what it does.
A brief look at how red lights work
Traffic lights can look different, as many around the county have been updated. However, all of these electric road signs have sensors or work off from a timer. Most commonly, traffic lights use a timer to determine when the light needs to change. Officials set this timer for red lights based on traffic patterns in the area.

However, areas where it isn’t as easy to predict the flow of traffic are more likely to have lights that use sensors. These sensors can come in the form of a red light camera, lasers, or even rubber hoses filled with air. Though they may not always be present, traffic light sensors work well in rural areas. Without sensors in these areas, drivers could be waiting for longer than necessary for the light to change.
Drivers should also know that some traffic lights in big cities can allow emergency vehicles to change them. These lights have what’s called preemption systems.
Lights aren’t perfect replacements for road signs
Of course, traffic lights help decrease the number of severe car accidents. However, these electric traffic signs can also cause other issues. For starters, they can increase the number of rear-end collisions. In fact, traffic engineers often consider this a trade-off for more severe accidents. However, areas that didn’t have many accidents before the installation of a traffic light may have an increase.
Additionally, traffic lights with timers that are improperly timed can also be an issue. This failure could lead to people running red lights or delays in traffic. Traffic lights are also expensive to install and maintain. According to the Arizona Department of Transportation, they cost between $80,000 and $100,000. This excludes the cost of electricity. Because of this, some people prefer the use of road signs.
Using traffic lights instead of road signs may not be perfect, but when set up properly, they can help keep people safe. Hopefully, more places will switch to sensors, however.