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On June 18, 2024, in Sag Harbor, New York, a local police officer pulled over a luxury SUV. Reportedly, the driver ran through a stop sign. Upon interacting with the motorist, the recruit, who had less than a year on the job, noted the driver’s bloodshot eyes and what smelled like boozy breath. Field sobriety tests landed “iffy” results. The motorist claimed to have had one martini and refused a breathalyzer test. Ultimately, Officer Michael Arkinson made the arrest. Justin Timberlake would face a very public legal DUI defense.

During the court process, a judge revoked Timberlake’s ability to legally drive in the state. After a couple of appearances, the 43-year-old Grammy-winning entertainer and producer pleaded guilty to DWAI (Driving While Ability Impaired).

The plea deal included community service and presenting a PSA discouraging drinking and driving. “Even if you’ve had one drink, don’t get behind the wheel of a car,” he said in the press-streamed speech on September 13.

Four months later – on Justin Timberlake’s birthday – the Sag Harbor Police Department presented Arkinson with its “Officer of the Year” award

On January 31, JT turned 44 years old. That same day, Police Chief Rob Drake presented Officer Arkinson with “Office of the Year.”

“Even though Officer Arkinson was new last year, he quickly made a significant impact in the department and the community,” the chief said.

News of the award brought Timberlake back into the spotlight over these events. Last year, he’d expressed wanting to quickly handle the legal process and move on.

Social media response is mixed

While some comments express respect for the recruit’s decision to hold the celebrity to the same standards as “anyone else,” others questioned the award.

“Please tell me he did something else that made him get this award,” one said. “I’m glad he got officer of the year, but hopefully it’s not for just a DUI arrest,…otherwise, there are many of those awards to hand out,” someone else remarked. “Officer of the year? I’m sorry but other officers are laying down their lives,” responded another. Each of these comments received hundreds of likes.

Police Chief Drake praised the recruit: “He has a great attitude and shows a lot of initiative, always ready to learn and improve his skills to become a better officer.”