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An unexpected parking lot crash in Northeast Philadelphia early Thursday put a man who was initially “free to go” under arrest. The incident unfolded around 1 a.m. after police finished serving a “protection from abuse” order at an apartment complex. Officers told the driver, a 40-year-old man, he needed to leave the area after they served the order. He drove off in his Lexus SUV…then changed his mind.

A 7th District police officer followed his Lexus through the parking lot. Without warning, the driver threw the SUV into reverse and backed straight into her vehicle. Despite the officer laying on the horn, he didn’t stop. The impact was severe, causing major front-end damage and setting off multiple airbags in the police SUV.

Despite the collision, the officer – who has 19 years of tenure – managed to climb out of her wrecked car. She arrested the Lexus driver at the scene, seemingly unfazed by the crash. Local news footage shows the cruiser’s folded hood and mangled front end. Medics later took her to a hospital for evaluation, though her injuries appeared minor. Meanwhile, the suspect was brought to a police station. He didn’t suffer any injuries, NBC10 said.

Legally, this is obviously much more than just a minor parking lot tap. Assaulting an officer in Pennsylvania carries felony charges. Using a vehicle as a weapon could elevate it to aggravated assault, which can result in serious prison time.