Is the New BMW 3 Series a Reliable Car?
When it comes to entry-level luxury cars, the BMW 3 Series is a staple in its segment. The 3 Series has been in the market for decades and is the tried-and-true choice for luxury shoppers looking for opulence with a healthy dose of sportiness. There’s no doubt that the BMW 3 Series is a great car, but is it reliable?

The 2023 BMW 3 Series survived a battery of tests

Although many luxury brands, including BMW, have gotten a bad rep in the past for producing unreliable cars, that’s not the case for the newer models. The latest BMW 3 Series underwent a battery of tests before being sent to the assembly line. The Bavarian manufacturer wanted to ensure the car’s quality so that it could withstand the extraordinary conditions that it normally wouldn’t see on public roads.
As such, BMW ran a multitude of tests simulating 12,000 different driving maneuvers with a computer model of the car. The 3 Series also underwent extensive wind tunnel testing at the BMW Aerodynamic Testing Centre in Munich. Additionally, the 3 Series was put through its paces in the scorching 134-degree heat in Death Valley, Nevada.
But the car wasn’t only driven in hot temperatures to see how well it could do; the engineers also paid attention to how its electronics dealt with the electromagnetic rays from the Hoover Dam. At the same time, BMW also tested the 3 Series near the arctic circle in sub-zero temperatures to ensure it could withstand the freezing climates. Lastly, the BMW 3 Series was tested on the world-famous Nurburgring Nordschleife circuit to ensure its driving dynamics were up to par before going on sale.
The BMW 3 Series is well-rated for reliability

If the BMW 3 Series passing a number of tests isn’t enough to convince buyers that it’s reliable, maybe some reliability tests will. According to U.S. News, JD Power awarded the 2023 BMW 3 Series a Reliability score of 81 out of 100, which is considered “great.” For reference, a score between 91 and 100 is “best,” 81-90 is “great,” 70-80 is “average,” and 69 and below is considered “fair.”
The 2023 3 Series comes with an extensive warranty and will last with the proper care

In case buyers are wary of the BMW’s longevity, they can rest assured knowing that it has an extensive warranty. BMW covers the 3 Series with a 4-year/50,000-mile warranty and a 4-year/50,000-mile powertrain warranty.
Additionally, although the BMW 3 Series has earned its stripes through rigorous testing and been awarded a great reliability rating, it’s up to the owner’s care to make it last for many years. With the proper care and maintenance, like oil changes, fluid and tire replacements, and routine brake jobs, the 3 Series should be able to last for up to 200,000 miles and beyond.
Luxury cars may have received a bad reputation for reliability in the past, but the BMW 3 Series could put those thoughts to rest. After all, there’s a reason that it’s a staple in the luxury segment.