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Richard Petty, one of the all-time NASCAR greats, is known for the many Plymouths he raced over the years, and recently the public had the opportunity to get their hands on one of the most iconic of them all. Petty’s 1960 Plymouth Fury was up for auction. However, anyone who wanted to purchase it needed to be prepared to shell out a pretty penny.

Who is Richard Petty?

NASCAR Hall of Famer Richard Petty with a replica of his #43 STP Pontiac at the WWT Raceway in Madison, Illinois
NASCAR Hall of Famer Richard Petty | Sean Gardner/Getty Images

For fans of NASCAR, Richard Petty needs no introduction. After all, he’s known as the King of NASCAR, a title earned thanks to his remarkable ability to win races. In fact, Petty set several records as a NASCAR driver that seem unlikely to ever be broken.

According to Autoevolution, Petty has the most wins in NASCAR Grand National/Cup history, as well as the most second-places finishes. Of course, with his 200 wins, Petty also outlasted most of his competition. He began racing in the late 1950s and didn’t retire until 1992. Given that his career spanned five different decades, we are very unlikely to see a driver with such endurance again, especially given the physical exertion that NASCAR driving involves. 

Rich Petty’s 1960 Plymouth Fury was for sale on eBay

One of Richard Petty’s most famous early cars was his 1960 Plymouth Fury, which Autoevolution recently revealed was up for sale on eBay. Petty drove the car in the 1960 Grand National Series, where he notched three wins and finished among the Top 16 five times. The car is immediately recognizable thanks to its Carolina blue and white finish, and it’s been lovingly restored after having been left outdoors and relatively abandoned for an unfortunate three decades. The buyer will get documentation of the vehicle’s authenticity and a period-correct Chrysler 383 RB raised block engine. 

However, the asking price for the car isn’t cheap, so it won’t find a new owner easily. The #43 vehicle was put up on eBay for an asking price of $1.2 million. Of course, the listing was set up so that a potential buyer could offer less, but it seems unlikely that the seller would accept a significantly lower price. 

Before being listed for sale, the car was displayed at Wayne Lensing’s Historic Auto Attractions Museum in Roscoe, Illinois, for over a decade. However, the museum recently changed focus, leading to the car’s listing for sale. 

It’s not the first time the NASCAR star’s car was auctioned

This isn’t the first time that Richard Petty’s iconic Plymouth Fury has been put up for sale. It went on the market several years ago as well. Unfortunately, despite the vehicle’s importance in NASCAR history, it failed to find a buyer at the time.

The lack of sale likely had to do with the enormous sum of money that would have been involved in the transaction. As Autoevolution explains, “It was auctioned off a few years back, but it failed to sell because of a massive $10-million reserve, despite a high bid of $3.5 million.”

Then in 2021, it was placed for sale again, this time faring no better, despite a “buy it now” price of $750,000. With the price the car is going for currently, that $750,000 now seems like a bargain, but again, it failed to bring in offers at the time. This makes us wonder whether the current $1.2 million price tag might simply be too much for interested buyers as well. While the eBay listing currently shows as “ended,” it’s unclear whether that means the car actually sold.


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