Multi-Car Accident in Pennsylvania Ends With SUV on Restaurant’s Roof
Have you ever jumped off a roof into a swimming pool? That’s basically what happened to this SUV when it got into multiple car accidents, except it landed on the roof. What led up to this situation, and how did the BMW land on the roof of a local restaurant?
The SUV was driving recklessly when it caused multiple car accidents

In Snyder County, Pennsylvania, Cumberland Times-News reported that this multi-car accident ended with a BMW SUV on a local restaurant’s roof. Before that, people were enjoying a Friday night dinner at Golden Chopsticks Chinese restaurant. Police Chief Tim Bremigen said that a woman was driving her SUV when she lost control of the vehicle.
The vehicle veered off the road and drove through a concrete barrier. After that, it slammed into several parked cars, including a white minivan. The impact of the car accident between the BMW SUV and minivan launched the SUV onto the room of the restaurant. Five people were injured in total but are in stable condition. The minivan had two people in it at the time of the accident.
One witness said he heard a crash when he looked out the window to see the SUV driving erratically down the highway. Not long after, the witness heard a crash and saw a nearby telephone pole fall.
Witnesses saw the BMW involved in mutiple car accidents before slamming through a concrete barrier
Along with a Pennsylvania state trooper, the witness ran outside to see what happened. The minivan in the parking lot was severely damaged. Theresa Risso, 43, of Selinsgrove, was driving the BMW on the restaurant’s roof. The two passengers in the minivan got out of the car while the state trooper made his way to the roof. Inside the BMW SUV, the trooper found a small female child and helped it to safety. First responders arrived shortly after the car accident and administered CPR to Risso.
Police officer Eric Hassenplug reported that just minutes before this accident, he was investigating the report of a reckless driver. Another vehicle was allegedly struck by the same car that was on the roof of the Golden Chopsticks. Hassenplug said it matched the description.
Police Chief Timothy Bremigen followed up with nearby businesses to investigate the state of the vehicle and driver before the incident. He confirmed that Risso was driving south on Routes 11-15 when the first car accident occurred. After that, she did not stop and struck a pickup truck down the road.
Five cars were involved in this crime spree
The BMW continued down the road and crossed into the northbound lanes upon hitting the truck. When the SUV hit the telephone pole, drove through the post office parking lot, hit a barrier, and struck the minivan. The force of the impact sent the vehicle onto the restaurant’s roof.
Risso managed to hit five vehicles and involve 10 people in all of the car accidents. One of the injured parties worked in the Golden Chopsticks restaurant. Bremigen said the investigation into the reckless driving was ongoing, but debris covered a quarter of a mile along the road.
This Final Destination style car accident is still under investigation. Risso remains in the hospital today and the cause of the crash is still under investigation.