Motorbiscuit’s Freak Show Friday: Worst, Cursed Corvettes

Corvettes have been prime material to modify forever, but you’ve never seen freakish Vettes like these before. Just by the fact they have fiberglass bodies must be too much for owners to stand. With some fiberglass matte, a can of Bondo, and no direction at all, owners looking to own a unique Vette can have at it. We’ve all seen the good ones. They’re not in Freak Show Friday. Instead, they make it into the magazines and shows. But for Freak Show Friday we’ve got the worst, cursed Corvettes.

Our lead-off example is a hot mess that looks like it’s melting. We can only assume the owner was going for a Can-Am look but the floppy fiberglass didn’t do what he or she wanted. Like it had a mind of its own. Which the owner obviously didn’t. What has us really puzzled is that it looks like it is disintegrating in the middle of this parking lot. It doesn’t appear to be a storage lot so we can only imagine that vandalism is at play or maybe Mother Nature. What a mess.
Another cursed Corvette caught in a parking lot

Another cursed Corvette caught in a parking lot, we’re glad to see these owners so proud they take their cut-up Corvettes out for shopping. There have been some very attractive Corvette wagons over the years. This is not one of them. This humpback creation is at least functional. We could not find front views which is probably just as well. The delicately-installed tow hitch is a nice touch.

Freaks must be flexible. When the need for a bit of off-roading bites and all you have is your 1973 Corvette and a stack of diamond plate you get busy. This guy scores in our book for finishing his dream and then enjoying the

fruits of his labor. We also like that nothing about what he started with was sacred. His goal was maximum wheel travel and protection from flying debris. It looks to us like he achieved whatever it was he was after.
Freak Shows can never have enough power or their builders enough ability

You can never have enough power or enough ability. With two engines it looks like this guy at least got the power part. Aesthetics are secondary to going fast. It looks like the owner went just fast enough to smack the front

end. Such unfortunate incidents will now need to be addressed before more freaky fun begins anew. As with the other freakish Vettes we are glad the owner is getting some use and abuse out of his creation.

We don’t know what the builder of this creation was after. He or she wanted that Corvette back-half to complete this project, and so there it is. Is it a truck? Is it a mini-Vette? Does it matter? It’s a running, driving freak with shiny paint, matching wheels, and chrome exhaust. That all means it scores high on the Freakometer.
This Freak Show is the epitome of the good, the bad, and the ugly

At Freak Show Friday we avoid Photoshopped images. We decided to make an exception with this manipulated image done in the spirit of Freak Show Friday because it’s so, well, so freakish. Maybe the most freakish part is that someone thought this up and then took the time to render it. All we can think is that this is the epitome of the good, the bad, and the ugly. That Corvette front end is the “good.” The Gremlin rear is the “bad.” And, put the two together, you get the “ugly.”