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Have you ever met a “two-footer” driver? Some drivers use their left foot for the brake and their right for the gas. Some race car drivers do it too. But experts warn it’s unsafe on public roads. One Redditor, “WorriedDrivingMom,” found out her 16-year-old daughter had been doing it for over a year. She wasn’t happy.

The discovery

The teen’s dad taught her to drive but didn’t enforce one-foot driving. “He told her to only use her right foot, but when she argued, he just dropped it.” She even passed her driver’s test that way.

There’s no law against two-foot driving, but most instructors consider it improper. “I tried to explain to her the dangers of what she is doing,” the mom wrote. She warned her daughter about “wear and tear on the brakes,” brake lights staying on, and the risk of accidentally pressing both pedals at once during an emergency.

Her daughter “flat out refused” to change. The mom said, “After our conversation and her refusal, I took her keys.” Her ex disagreed. So the mom turned to Reddit, asking, “Am I the a——?”

Why one-foot driving is safest

When all cars had clutch pedals, drivers had no choice but to use one foot for the gas and brake. Today, automatics have two pedals, but most experts still recommend right-foot braking.

Why? According to the National Roads and Motorists’ Association, your first reaction to danger should be lifting off the accelerator. Your second is “covering” the brake and thus activating your brake lights. Your third is pressing the brake pedal. When you brace with your left leg and press the brakes with your dominant, right leg, you can brake more effectively.

Race car drivers with automatic transmission sometimes use two feet simultaneously. But they’re trained for it. On public roads, rapid shifts between acceleration and braking can cause a pileup. It’s very difficult to keep your left foot hovering above your brake pedal for an entire drive without dragging your brakes or illuminating your brake lights. While two foot driving may seem smart and easy, it’s actually a bad idea.

Reddit weighs in

Commenters overwhelmingly sided with the mom. One wrote, “I’d love to know how she passed her test.” Another added, “It’s certainly not good for your stopping distance.”

Some shared personal experiences. “I have a relative who drives like this. She rides her brakes constantly and burns through pads.” Another recalled, “I knew a kid in high school who did this. The mechanic asked if he drove with both feet before he even got out of the car.”

Others were harsher. “This is absolutely not okay,” one said. “She’s putting herself and others in danger.” Another called it “a bad habit that can kill someone.” One commenter had a simple message: “She doesn’t get to drive until she learns to do it right.”

You can see the original Reddit post embedded below:

AITA for taking my revoking my daughters driving privileges after finding out she is using 2 feet?
byu/worrieddrivingmom inAmItheAsshole


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