Looks Like Porsche Taycans Have Huge Quality Issues
There have been numerous posts on twitter showing images of Porsche Taycans with mismatched trim, panels, and pieces missing. These are vehicles that have been delivered and are on the road. Where is Porsche’s quality control and how does this happen? When you see what has been posted we think you’ll agree that there are some serious issues with the new Taycan.
Note that the glass is lined up and fits while the rest of the door doesn’t

Here’s what started the Twitter posts. This is a shot of a serious issue with the passenger door alignment. It is of a Taycan parked in Einsteinstraße, Munich, a couple of days ago. You can see that the glass is lined up and fits well. But looking down you can see that the trim is wildly mismatched. Looking lower at the door gap you can see that it is more like a door canyon than a gap. The door looks like it is not completely latched. But again, the glass is lined up perfectly.
Though this looks like the door is ajar, it isn’t

This is the same door shot from the opposite side. The person that posted these images has placed graphic arrows to point out the door gap. You’re looking at wildly mismatched panel fit, we think you would agree?
From any angle, the Taycan’s quality looks iffy

We’ve got a third shot of the same door gap. You can see that from this dead-on view it isn’t corrected. In other words, no matter which angle you see it there’s an obvious problem with how the door fits into its hole.
The person who posted these began to be attacked by Porsche enthusiasts because he owns a Tesla. They complained that he was biased because of this. He kept posting more images to prove the Taycan’s doors were closed. In this era of “fake news” no one believes what they see anymore.
How about this issue of missing trim panels on the B-pillar

Now let’s look at a different Taycan. This one in Copenhagen is blue and it is missing a trim piece to hide this B-pillar. While not as serious of an issue as the panel alignment on the previous example, it’s still unacceptable.
This all comes after news of a Taycan fire in Florida
This all comes on the heels of a couple of things. First, Tesla has had a problem with panel fit and also paint issues mostly on Model 3s. There have been many examples sprinkled around Twitter and the internet.
The second thing is that in the middle of February a garage explosion and fire happened with a Taycan inside. The Taycan burned up in the Florida garage. While the root cause has escaped detection the fire originated from the Taycan. Whether it was from batteries getting too hot, an electrical short inside of the Taycan, or something else, there has been no follow up with conclusions.
So, for now, it looks like the Taycan has issues that hopefully get worked out quickly. As Porsche has held the Taycan up as its flagship and future of the company it can’t afford much more bad press.