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Needing to get replacement car keys is nothing new. People often lose them and may not have extras. In these cases, they’ll need new car keys from the dealership or a locksmith. However, some may wonder if you can legally sell a car without keys. This may happen with older cars that someone is buying to fix up and make road-worthy. 

Can you sell a car that needs replacement keys?

Luckily, no law says a person can’t sell a car that needs replacement keys. However, this is something the seller will need to tell the buyer about, as the process of getting new keys can be a bit daunting. Additionally, this is one of the most essential vehicle components, which makes it pertinent information.

Replacement car keys can be expensive
A person handing over car keys | K_Thalhofer via iStock

In order to get replacement car keys, the new owner will need to have proof of ownership. Naturally, you’ll also need to know the exact make and model of the car in question. Typically, the title or registration will be enough to have new copies of the keys made and in your hands in no time. Luckily, some automotive locksmiths can come to you just in case you lack other transportation. 

Getting new keys can be expensive

Replacement car keys aren’t cheap, but there are a couple of ways of getting new ones. Many people might elect to go to a car dealer that sells the brand they have. However, this is often the most expensive method, as dealers charge a premium. This is especially the case for more modern cars. 

According to Metromile, cars made after about 1981 will have transponders or chips. These replacement keys can cost you anywhere from $100 to $250 for one key at a dealership. Smart keys are even worse, as they can cost up to $500. Naturally, the exact cost for a replacement smart car key depends on features such as remote start. Keys without modern technology can range from $10 to $150. 

Of course, the price for replacement car keys from an locksmith can be significantly cheaper. However, the price will vary based on where you go. Readers should also know that dealerships often outsource to automotive locksmiths but still charge significantly more. 

So, while it’s not illegal to sell a vehicle that needs new keys, the buyer will have one more expense before they can drive it. This could be a simple endeavor, but it could also be a challenge for older cars. However, it may not be a deal breaker for a vehicle you want. 


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