Keep Your RV Clean with These Quick and Easy RV Cleaning Tips
Owning an RV and hitting the road for a lengthy vacation can be pretty gratifying. But being on the road means dealing with things like dust, dirt, and grime. All of which might have you wondering how on Earth you’re going to keep your beloved RV clean. While keeping your RV clean and tidy might seem like a daunting task, the good is that we’ve got a handful of RV cleaning tips up our sleeve.

First things first, be sure to read the instruction manual
I know. Reading your RV’s instruction manual might not seem like the first step to keeping your RV clean but lo and behold, it is. According to Tripsavvy, “Your RV’s instruction manual is a treasure-trove of information that can give you tips and tricks for cleaning your RV’s exterior and interior.” Why pass that up? The odds are that your RV’s instruction manual has plenty of cleaning tips and even suggestions on products to use.
And if your RV’s manual isn’t stock full of helpful RV cleaning tips? Then we suggest heading to the manufacturer’s website. Tripsavvy reports that plenty of RV manufacturers include helpful RV cleaning tips on their websites.
Make sure that you have the right tools and cleaners for the job too
Much like when you clean a house or a car, there are some tools that are helpful and others that are not. Fortunately, finding the right tools for cleaning your RV isn’t all that difficult. Koa recommends investing in a compact vacuum cleaner that can not only pick up those pesky crumbs but can also be stowed away in a small area. A mop with a small footprint and an easy-to-fold step ladder can also be helpful, says Koa.
It’s also worth considering the types of cleaners that you’re using. Koa says having products like disinfecting wipes, a multi-surface cleaner, and other similar products on hand is always a good idea. When it comes to using a toilet bowl cleaner, however, Koa recommends referring to your instruction manual (it is handy!). According to Koa, harsh chemicals used in some toilet bowl cleaners can cause serious damage resulting in expensive RV repairs.
Clean your RV in sections to make it less overwhelming
If you own a larger RV, the thought of cleaning it all in one fail swoop might seem intimidating. Koa suggests cleaning your RV in sections to keep things from getting overwhelming. Take a look at your RV and try cutting it into sections. Then, move section to section cleaning your RV. You might also want to clean room by room.
And if cleaning section by section or room by room isn’t quite your style? Go RVing reports that cleaning your RV’s interior from top to bottom makes for an efficient cleaning method. Start by using a handheld vacuum cleaner to clear out any lingering cobwebs or clogged vents. Then move on to cleaning windows, walls, surfaces, and floors. Tripsavvy suggests freshening up your mattress and linens regularly is a good idea too.
Use these RV cleaning tips to keep your RV nice and tidy
As cliché as the saying might be, there’s nothing more satisfying than a job well done. You’re bound to feel the same after giving your RV a thorough cleaning. And when you keep these RV cleaning tips in mind? Odds are, you’ll not only save yourself time cleaning your RV, but you’ll also keep yourself from being overwhelmed by the task itself.