Jason Mamoa Restores Wife’s First Car – A Rare Mustang
Not everybody can do it. But a few can gift a vehicle to another person. Even fewer people have the financial wherewithal to find a specific vehicle another person once owned and then restore it as a surprise. Jason Mamoa is that person. He restored a long lost Ford Mustang GT that once belonged to his wife and then surprised her with the restored convertible.

Lisa Bonet’s Ford Mustang
Actor Jason Mamoa, who has played Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones, and Aquaman, in the DC Extended Universe, has been graced with a fortune from his endeavors in life. So, he decided he was going to give his wife, Lisa Bonet (The Cosby Show star) a surprise gift, a fully restored Ford Mustang GT convertible. Not just any Mustang GT convertible, this one happens to be the first car she ever purchased.
The process of getting the car restored was documented, of course. So, one can follow along the journey of the car as it gets deconstructed and then built back up again. In short, Mr. Mamoa’s wife’s Ford is a classic 1965 Mustang GT convertible with a 289 V8, and a 4-speed standard transmission. Along the way it had deteriorated. So, many of the parts that were removed were either cleaned and repaired, or replaced, all of it being recorded for posterity.

1965 Ford Mustang Specifications
According to CJ Pony, the specifications for the 1965 Ford Mustang GT convertible indicate that there were three 289 V8 powerplant versions available at the time. Since the GT is the high-performance trim of the Mustang, it is likely that the “Hi-PO” V8 was tucked between the front fenders. Horsepower for that powerplant was rated at 271 horsepower.
During the restoration, however, the original engine was pulled out of the vehicle. Later either the same restored engine was put back in, or a new crate engine replaced it. It is unclear. Our friends at, The Drive, reached out to the restoration shop for clarification, but at the time of this writing, no further update has been provided.

The restoration video
As it turns out, a nice film was put together from the restoration footage. Mr. Mamoa overdubs the introduction with an appropriate, “I know we can’t relive a memory, but maybe we can rebuild one.” He posted the finished video to his Youtube channel yesterday and it already has almost 800,000 views. You can see the video below.
Divine 1 Customs did the Mustang work
Divine 1 Customs, in Las Vegas, was the shop Mr. Mamoa tasked with the restoration of the treasured Mustang. Original Polaroid pictures of the car showed it was a light color. But, the finished glistening machine is black. So, it seems, a color change was called for either by Mr. Mamoa or the restoration shop. In either case, the paint turned out flawless and judging by shop’s “Gallery” page on their website, they are accustomed to high-end restorations or custom work.
About the couple
Mr. Mamoa and his wife began dating in 2005. They married in 2017. The couple has two children together. Lola is the couple’s 13-year-old daughter, and Nakoa-Wolf is their 11-year-old son.

The restoration of any classic automobile is inspiring. This is no different. Mr. Mamoa’s heartfelt gesture to his wife is touching. But, the secretive project to surprise his wife is inspiring for any romantic. It is a feel-good story whose warmth is poignantly captured in the video with Jason Mamoa and Lisa Bonet driving away together in the Mustang convertible.