Is the Nissan Ariya Worth Waiting For?
Since the growth of Tesla, more and more companies have stepped up to enter their option for electric vehicles. The consumer market has responded with a lot of positivity, and hybrid and fully-electric vehicles have quickly gained popularity and respect — well, except for maybe the original Toyota Prius that everyone hates so much. It was only a matter of time before luxury brands like BMW and Audi started to produce their own all-electric vehicles, but now that the technology is more common it is affordable enough that brands like Nissan are preparing for production. In 2022, Nissan will release its affordable all-electric SUV, the Ariya.
What to expect from the Nissan Ariya
The Nissan Ariya isn’t set for a production model until 2022, but we can expect to start seeing models in late 2021 and the car makes its official consumer debut. Estimated pricing starts at around $40,000 currently but the MSRP could vary closer to the vehicle’s official release. As far as the SUV is concerned, this all-electric SUV will be one of the most affordable options available, if you are willing to wait another year to get one.

Other options you won’t have to wait for
Sometimes we buy new cars because we are just sick of what we have, or it’s time for a well-needed upgrade. Other times we buy a new car out of necessity when our current car is no longer a reliable option. In a market where electric SUVs are rising in popularity, the Ariya will be an underdog hitting the market so late. With companies like Audi and BMW stepping up to produce even better electric luxury SUVs, the only thing really working for the Ariya is its reasonable price.

Why you shouldn’t wait up
The Nissan Ariya will make its production debut in late 2021, and as a rule of thumb, it’s always better to pass on the first model year in a new generation. That’s especially true for the first car in a model because regardless of any testing done the manufacturer and buyers can’t know what downfalls the cars will have until they really hit the road. It is always more reliable to wait until any potential problems have been discovered, and that could take years.

The 2022 Nissan Ariya will undoubtably be a game changer for the brand. It will also be one of the most affordable all-electric SUVs on the market. If you love the Nissan brand or maybe just want something completely new, the Nissan Ariya might be worth waiting for.