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Like much of the United States, Florida is contending with an unprecedented onslaught of snowfall. As a result, the city of Pensacola is focusing on safety and battling the winter conditions with salt. However, without regular snow and ice, the Florida city is taking a reactive approach to road salt and grit. As expected, the internet is less than kind with the coastal city’s road-clearing efforts. 

Pensacola isn’t ready for serious snowfall, and the Florida city’s road salt initiatives are a clear indication

A popular video with nearly 150,000 likes shows a salt-spreading utility truck painting the road surface with salt. Nothing wild there. After all, many US states and cities use de-icing salt agents to clear ice and snow from highways and roads. However, the video shows just how unprepared for wintertime madness the state of Florida is shortly after.

Unsurprisingly, the red salt spreader isn’t in Pensacola. Instead, the vehicle shows how effective a well-prepped city is in handling snow, ice, and sleet. The video flashes the words, “Everyone else” above the large utility truck. Moments later, however, the words change to “Pensacola, Florida,” and the image is exactly as you might suspect.

It’s a flatbed truck with a sole worker perched above the rear lighting. He’s spreading handfuls of salt and grit as if he were feeding birds at a park. Needless to say, it’s a less-than-convincing display of city maintenance. Consequently, viewers roasted the display.

“Florida: How much salt we got? We got one bucket,” a commenter said. Another viewer joked, “Like he’s in a parade throwing candy.” Other viewers suggested that the worker on the truck resembled a “flower girl” at a wedding. 

It’s not limited to the video below, either. “I saw a video of two guys in the back of a truck in Pensacola throwing salt,” a viewer commented. Other Instagram-goers pointed out that Florida simply isn’t accustomed to fighting the white stuff. “Don’t ask us how to deal with snow, but with hurricanes, we got you.”

However, other viewers were excited to get the winter treatment in the Sunshine State. “My hometown! We showed out and had a good time in the snow!!!” Another viewer responded, “I want it to snow again.”