Is It Illegal for Pickup Trucks to Use Runaway Truck Ramps?
Hey, I’m personally asking you to not be one of those families who sled on a runaway truck ramp. Sure, they’re conveniently located on the side of the interstate on a steep slope, making it easy to pull over and play. However, they’re supposed to catch runaway semi-trucks, and you don’t want to get in the way. But can other cars use them?
Who can legally use runaway truck ramps?
Runaway truck ramps or truck escape ramps are designed to stop large vehicles that have lost control of their brakes to avoid catastrophic collisions.
Depending on your state, it might be legal for any vehicle that loses control to use the ramps. The ramps are most often used in the summer when brakes get hotter and hotter with a higher chance of failing.
Think about about it. Every time you’ve seen a runaway truck ramp, it was probably located near steep hills in mountainous areas.
If a semi-truck loses control it could come down with barreling force to hit and crush other vehicles in its path. But using the runaway ramp is much safer. I’ve seen some ramps with concerning tire marks all the way near the top!

It made me wonder if semi-trucks flip on them, and they can. The ramps are often covered in deep layers of sand, gravel, or wiring netting to stop trucks as quickly as possible.
They can fall on their sides or flip if the tires aren’t straight. Also, they can roll back and flip down the ramp. To avoid flipping, aim for the center of the ramp and remain composed.
In most places, it’s illegal for an operator of a motor vehicle, non-motorized vehicle, moped, bike, pedestrian, pedestrian with control of an animal, or vehicle powered by animals to park on, stand on, obstruct, or otherwise use a runaway truck ramp unless you’ve lost control of your vehicle.
So, the families that use them to sled are being dangerous as they participate in an illegal activity. Also, for improperly using an emergency ramp, you may face a fine.
Those who use the ramps due to emergency conditions will not be fined, but they may have to face a steep towing bill.