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I know we’ve all been a bored passenger in cars on a road trip. This boredom may lead to the need to stretch out, and you might decide to put your feet on the dash or even out the front passenger window. But is doing so illegal? 

Is it illegal for passengers to ride with their feet on the dash?

In short, no, it’s not illegal for passengers to ride with their feet on the dash. But I don’t recommend putting those little piggies up there, because it can lead to a lifetime of pain. 

No laws prohibit people from putting their feet up, but this is highly discouraged. Many police officers don’t allow anyone to put their feet on the dash in their vehicles. 

The airbags and seatbelts in cars are designed to provide protection while you’re properly seated. Having your feet up impacts how these safety features work and can make accidents worse. 

With your legs up, the backs of your knees could rest in front of the passenger-side airbag. These airbags deploy at about 200 mph in order to protect your head and chest. 

If the airbags deploy while a person has their feet up could cause your hip bones to be ripped from the sockets. Also, your knee joints could fly backward into your eyes. 

A passenger riding with their feet hanging out of a car window
Feet out of a car window | iStock

It could take months to partially or fully recover from these severe injuries. After the broken bones heal you could have months of physical therapy to complete. That’s if you survive the accident in the first place. 

Drivers may find that sitting in a car improperly is expensive. An insurance company may argue that you’re partially at fault for your injuries if you were sitting improperly. You could be found partially at fault if the injuries are related to the compensation. 

Some people also feel the need to put their feet out the windows of trucks and SUVs, which isn’t advised either. That’s legal, but if you thought getting your leg bones crushed was bad, prepare for an even worse scenario. 

Your arms or legs could be cut off. Accidents and objects near the road like signs and trees could slice a limb right off! 

So, please don’t ride with your feet on the dash, and keep all body parts inside of moving cars. Be seated properly with your seatbelt on.


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