Here Are the Car Brands Going All-Electric by 2030
The end of the internal combustion engine is upon us and many car manufacturers are proclaiming their allegiance to electrification. Some have been a bit vaguer about when they’ll make an all-electric lineup complete. Other brands have established a date but haven’t even developed one EV yet. Nonetheless, here are the manufacturers that have drawn a line in the sand. They say no later than 2030 will be the year. So in no particular order, here they are.

For a small brand like Jaguar, it has to be harder to shift gears this radically. It also has to be a bit puckering with the number of problems it faced launching its first EV; the I-Pace. And it is puzzling that the next EV it has been developing; the XJ sedan was killed when Jaguar made its all-EV announcement. Jaguar doesn’t have much time to make this transformation, nor do enthusiasts that have been taken a bit by surprise.

The prestige manufacturer hasn’t even made an electric vehicle yet. We won’t see the first Bentley EV until 2025, so this transformation will happen over the course of only five years. In 2026, all Bentleys will be PHEV or EV. Then the entire lineup will be electric by 2030.

GM announced a while back that Cadillac would be its first all-electric brand. At the time it seemed like a radical change for the General’s flagship. But Cadillac has had problems defining what it is and this looked like a way to distinguish itself from everyone else. But now others are beating it to electrification. So Cadillac has set 2030 as the end of the line for the production of ICE vehicles. Its first EV is the 2023 Lyriq which it has shown and is even seen in Cadillac commercials. Its popular Escalade will be an EV by 2029.

Lotus is so all-in on electric that it has dumped its entire lineup. They are all being replaced by the Emira, which will be the last gas-powered Lotus made. After the Emira it will only release electric vehicles.

Parent company BMW has said 2030 is when it will transform Mini into a totally electric lineup. It says the last new ICE-powered Mini will be released in 2025. After that, it will devote all of its development money to making the changeover in 2030.

The XC40 Recharge is Volvo’s first EV. With a range of just over 200 miles, it looks like Volvo needs to do its homework if it is going to be all-electric by 2030. Expectations for range continue to rise, with 400 miles being a big marketing perk. Besides the 2030 deadline for all-EV production Volvo also plans on selling vehicles only through its website by then. The times are definitely changing.