Hellcat Driver Caught Going 165 MPH Only Has to Pay $450
We’re all well aware that the Dodge Hellcat models are fast. It’s hard or them not to be with a supercharged V8 pushing out well over 700 horsepower. Despite them being pretty heavy, the Dodge Challenger Hellcat is good for a zero to 60 mile per hour sprint in just 3.8 seconds. Naturally, some drivers are going to get caught breaking the law in them. While we’ve definitely seen the bad outcomes of Hellcats interacting with the police, this particular Hellcat owner should consider himself pretty dang lucky.
Hellcat Driver was doing 90 mph over the speed limit

According to Road and Track, this Dodge Challenger Hellcat driver, whose identity is not revealed, got caught speeding in Oklahoma. Honestly, speeding seems like a bit of an understatement.
A Tweet from Oklahoma State Highway Patrol says that police stopped the car on the H.E. Bailey Turnpike in Cotton County, Oklahoma. The speed limit on that road is 75 miles per hour. That’s relatively high but clearly wasn’t enough for this Hellcat driver. Police ticketed the driver after pulling him over with a radar lock at 165 miles per hour. For those who aren’t too quick with math, that’s 90 mph over the speed limit.
Here’s where the real kicker is. The ticket shows that Police cited the driver only for exceeding the speed limit by 41 mph or more. Keep in mind that 41 mph over the speed limit would be 116 miles per hour. So, there were no additional charges or penalties for the additional 49 mph over that mark. This seems to mean that any speed over 116 mph will net you the exact same fine.

Speaking of the fine. It was a measly $450. Of course, $450 is still a lot of money. However, compared to other states that will arrest you for reckless driving at these types of speeds and impound your car, it’s probably an amassment of savings.
It’s a bit suspicious that no photos of the car, info about the driver, or any other information was released. It does drive a little curiosity about who was behind the wheel and whether or not they got some sort of special treatment for one reason or another.
A Hellcat is capable of over 200 miles per hour

Perhaps, though, the suspect was able to convince the officer that they were being relatively reserved. Considering there was still another 37 miles per hour to go to the Hellcat’s theoretical 202 mile per hour top speed, it could have been worse.
That, or maybe it was a relatively empty road and a fairly understanding officer. You never know what you’re going to get.
Ultimately, though, the best advice is to refrain from driving this fast on a public roadway. If you can afford the car, you can definitely afford some track time. However, everyone is aware that telling people to go to the race track will rarely result in the “keep it street” crowd doing so.
So, if you’re going to drive recklessly and stupid like this, make sure it’s on an empty road, and you don’t have a passenger with you. If you get pulled over, just remember that you signed yourself up for it!