Freak Show Friday: Hell Hauler Race Car Rig Eldorado

Ah, yes, the triumph of high function over low capital. Or, the “now what?” moment when it hits you that all of your money has been dumped into your race car but you still have to get to the track. Yankee ingenuity comes to your rescue when you realize the wife’s Eldorado would make a much better ramp truck than grocery-getter. All it will take is a Cadillac, long weekend, a torch, some tubing, diamond-plate, and an understanding spouse. That is the glory of this week’s Freak Show Friday subject. It’s the hell-hauler race car rig Eldorado.
The basis for this Cadillac Eldorado ramp truck hauler is one of necessity. That, and cheapness. This thing is long, low, and startling. But 500 cubic-inches and the lap of luxury trumps some dirty, ugly truck anytime, anyplace, and anywhere. Behold the “Eldohauler.” If you can’t impress them with your race car, your driving, or pit contingent; at least leave an impression with your hauler.
With its two-tone style and aerodynamic mastery, this was one classy hauler

We have no idea where this is or why this is. But if you can build a race car you can sure as hell create a car-hauling masterpiece. Unfortunately, this example of uptown racing at its lowest looks as though it has seen better days. But why? With its two-tone style and aerodynamic mastery this was one classy hauler.
If this is how you roll to the race track we’d love to see the race car. You have to cover a million requirements designing and building a sprint car or hobby stock racer. So too, has the crafty builder of this rig covered everything one would want and need in a car trailer.
Power? Why yes. Aerodynamic? Certainly so. Dual rear wheels to distribute the load? Of course. Decoration to impress? Hell yes, didn’t you see the flames? A paint scheme to tie this rig together? Absolutely. What more could you want or need?
We’re sorry to see this Freak Show has been put out to pasture

As impressed as we are at the audacity and chutzpah exhibited here we’re sorry to see it has been put out to pasture. Different screengrabs of photos taken by several people at various times shows a workhorse that has seen better days. That’s a shame because while the car it was intended to carry must have resembled everything else on the track, this is one unique hauler.
Its inglorious end is a damn shame. If there ever was a racecar hauler museum this should be one of the star attractions. We know of collectors who collect and cherish the custom-built Dodge Pro Stock-hauling rigs from the late-1960s for professional drag racing. The likes of Dandy Dick Landy, Don “The Snake” Prudhomme, and a few others had fancy, unique car haulers.
Outclassing other Freak Show Friday subjects

They are as much a part of the majesty and lore of drag racing as the cars themselves. But this outclasses those and most others we have seen.
The bottom line is this must be saved. It needs to be honored for not only its practicality but for its uniqueness. Honestly, most Freak Show Friday candidates are pieces of crap. This might be also. But, at least it looks like a well thought out means to an end. What do you think?