Freak Show Friday: 3rd- and 5th-Gen Camaro Mashup
More and more these sometimes glorious, sometimes ghastly freaks are showing up on social media. That makes them ripe for plucking to show you the Twilight Zone of custom car building. Some of these; like Volkswagen Beetles with two front ends, or radically shortened station wagons and vans are crude attempts at car humor. Others are experiments in styling others dare not to enter. The thing is that each customizer sees things differently and are motivated by different stimuli. So it’s always an adventure digging into the wild and wacky world of freaks.
If you’d like to see more Freak Show Friday Frankensteins let us know

At another publication in another time, one of my tasks was to dig up these labors of love to titillate and supply some shock value to an otherwise complacent viewership. We’ll see how this fare goes at Motor Biscuit and if we get enough interest we’ll treat your end-of-the-week with fantasies you’ve probably never seen, or never hoped to see.
For Freak Show Friday we present this ultimate Camaro mashup. If you’re a fan of the third-gen Camaro you’re maybe horrified at the fifth-gen upgrades. And vice-versa. A lot of these third gens didn’t survive due to their tendencies to twist and squirm. That’s because of that giant back window. There’s no top structure there to stiffen things up so it was a wiggly, jiggly mess.
These third-gen Camaros were made in the gazillions

It also adds to the third-gen’s values staying at rather low numbers. That, and the fact that when they were made the Camaro was extremely popular so Chevy sold gazillions of them every year.
Back to our freak this popped up on Facebook Marketplace but has since been sold. It’s a 1987 IROC-Z with the front and rear of a 2011 Camaro SS bonked into it. Some are bothered by the long front overhang but both generations suffered from this proportion so it’s not especially jarring.
Honestly, these blend together rather well. We suspect the reason the hood is shown off of the car is that it probably fits like hell because you can’t just Bondo up dents and crude welds on a hood.

Underneath it’s all malaise-era fun with a 350ci L98 hooked to a 700R4 automatic transmission. That adds up to 225 hp. That may have been ok in the early days of this generation Camaro but not in each subsequent year. You see Chevy added gussets and supports over time to counteract the wobbly characteristics thus the Camaro got progressively heavier.
The listing asks viewers “please keep all negative comments to yourself”
It’s funny to add that the Marketplace ad asks, “please keep all negative comments to yourself.” You can’t be blasting negative comments if all you do is sit in your Barca-lounger and comment instead of getting out in your garage and build something like the owner of this Frankenstein Camaro did, right?
We’ll guarantee that if this was in a finished state it would be looked upon with reverence and compassion. So we are hoping that whoever purchased the crossed Camaro will finish it off and more importantly, they will drive it to hell and gone.
That’s all of the good stuff we have for your Friday.