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A mother has been reunited with her two children after a thief stole her SUV with them inside. The stolen SUV was quickly dumped about a mile away. Police officers think the suspect didn’t know the kids were there when they made their move. 

Florida thief abandons stolen SUV with two children inside 

A mother pulled over in her Mitsubishi SUV and left it running as she entered a store on Northwest 50th Street and 71st Avenue. 

This provided an opportunity for a thief to jump in the SUV and speed off. But the mother’s two-year-old and six-year-old were in the backseat. 

Police officers suspect that the thief didn’t know they were inside the vehicle when they made their quick decision to take off. 

Detective Angel Rodriguez shared that it only takes a split second for someone to steal a car and unfortunately, it happens too often. 

According to NBC Miami, a Virginia Gardens Police officer found the stolen SUV less than a mile away. The thief abandoned it, with the children safe inside. 

Kids in the backseat of a car
Kids in a car | iStock

Rodriguez explained, There is a good indication that when the vehicle was stolen the subject did not know the children were in the car. He hopes that’s why the vehicle was abandoned. 

But the story could have ended differently and serves as an important reminder. Don’t leave your keys in the ignition or inyour car. 

People often go to ATMs or into a store for a second and come back to discover that their vehicle is missing. It only takes one second for someone to make a victim out of you if they want. 

Unfortunately, the suspect in this case is still at large. Anyone with information related to the incident or the subject’s whereabouts is encouraged to call Crimestoppers at 305-471-8477 (TIPS).


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